Reginald Atkins

If it's happening there, it's happening everywhere I bet. I live in Tennessee and near the beginning and end of the month you can tell if they got busted for not making quota for the previous month because they are perched in every nook they can find.

I'll have to put it on my App store wish list.

FF14 Open Beta... may dig into a little GuildWars too.

@sepirioth: Been futzing around with the FF14 beta for a while now. It's far from being a perfect game but I'll admit to enjoying it.

The biggest issue is the drives are so frakkin small capacity at crazy prices 32, 40, 64 gb... that's a drop in a very small and expensive as hell bucket.

Now if only I weren't allergic to alcohol and were able to withstand the taste, let alone the smell, without triggering the urge to throw up.

downloading it now for the HDR photos! Looking forward to that. I may check out the gamecenter thing but I must admit to not expecting much.

wow.. how the heck did MS pull *that* one off I wonder?

Honestly this "game center" has yet to prove itself, it's entirely possible and likely that 3G owners will not be missing much outside of achievement spam.

As a major Duke fan back in the day I honestly waited.. and waited.. and waited... I gave up hope somewhere around 2006, so this is quite likely the best PAX news (short of GuildWars2 info) I've heard... Thank You GEARBOX!!!!!

I'll believe it when I see it actually show up on a store shelf.

I downloaded iTunes 10... honestly I can't begin the see all the reason for Apple making such a big deal over it. Between twitter and FB, Ping is a drop in a very small bucket. No FLAC support on audio, etc.. etc... Meh, I should have stuck with 9.

While I doubt I'd want it even if I could afford it, a part of me appreciates it's clean lines.

well now that's an ocean full of suck. :(

that.. is so awesome!!! Now I have to find something spinning at a ridonqulous ((tm) (R) patent pending) speed and take a pic. of it with my iphone 4.

nahh.. the story was alright though pretty cliche', a far cry from epic making. Special effects were pretty impressive but that's about it really. But seriously.. 9 minutes?!?!? That's what, three more explosion with a few camera pans of "shocked expression" looks? Pass.

I don't think I've gone through the doors of a blockbuster in 10 years or so, maybe longer. It's sad that they are in such dire straights but I can't say I'll notice if they go away completely.

@brijazz: you do make a good point about it being a isolated system.