Reginald Atkins

ohhhh no... proprietary systems can often be the work of the devil.

awesome challenge.. no way this side of a small moon I'm even going to bother to try it!!! I look forward to seeing the work of people far more photographically skilled than myself!!!

I have to agree with the "This is a bad design idea" camp. I tend to class hop a lot so it's a little less likely to hit me quite as hard, but I see no reason to penalize people just cause they have more free time on their hands.

@erichg14: wow.. glad I didn't go with the bumper on my freebie case decision. I went with the incase clear.

interesting.. I'm not 100% sure how much use I may get from it but I might give it a try.

I must just be paranoid... While it's good that the thief got caught, why in the world would you leave a bag I'm assuming to be full of valuable items that far out-side of reach!?!? Something like that I wouldn't even let out of my sight.. let alone off my arm.

Great artwork!

@IanthePez: well one way or the other it's going to be messy.. with a typical desk the mess will quickly flow over to your devices, with this one it's heading to the floor.

@Talifag: you sir speak the truth of the ages!

The Paleozoic era thinking of the MPAA and RIAA needs to be destroyed...

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: I thought you could patent style? Both MS and Apple have levied lawsuits against other companies based on look and feel? (serious question, I know nothing of patent law)

probably some kind of marketing pitch and they wanted her to be involved with it... likely iTunes related.

I picked up the SF4 iPhone game.. pretty solid really, I honestly can't imagine trying to play it on FB... or why... but I must admit it would be the first FB game I would actually try.

Speaking as someone who never even heard of Scott Pilgrim until about two weeks ago.. I just don't see what the big deal about it is. My gamer roots go back to Pong, the machine, not the Atari 2600 version.. so I've been around the block a while, but what little I've seen of trailers doesn't even begin to entice my

Yep.. still pretty sure I don't want to JB my iPhone 4. It's a well done and cute theme though.

@Daaark: I'd never even *heard* of Scott Pilgrim before about a week ago.. I still am not sure what the big deal about it is...


@violent peas: I know right.. the single button two functions thing is horribly difficult to grasp!!! On my computer the power button also puts it into sleep mode... Then there's my car keys, click once unlocks, double tap unlocks all doors... I'm so confused.. @_@

No surprise really, the first rule about fight club is that we don't talk about fight club.