Reginald Atkins

seems kinda pointless without 1080p

I never really thought about it that way.. but in evaluating the creative process of my sketches I always considered it drawing something from the nothing of the page, however, the actual idea is typically drawn from a swirling storm of good and bad ideas.

cool.. I'll have to drop in the update when I get home.

Nice.. and unlocked the feature on my copy. :D

even if it *does* work.. dear heavens why would you even bother to try?

@archercc: true true.. but it's only the beginning. :( sux for the IT world future.

@Drummertist v.2: LOL yeah I kid, but she's got to expect to see it coming from all over the internets! She's made her proverbial photoshoot LOL the internets will demand satisfaction! LOL.

Real, fake, who cares. Let's talk about what matters, A Playboy photo shoot. Afterall her rise to internet fame is based on being a HPOA, so let's see if I can bounce a quarter off that "A" and get back 35 cents...

that's rather cool, I left DA ages ago, maybe it's time to peek back in?

I think it may be too late really. I love my iPhone but it's pretty clear who the market dominator will eventually be. Apple's exclusivity has lead them down this road in the past. Upside is we probably will not see iPhones going the way of the dodo nor Apples support of it.

A clever response.. well thought out but let's get to what really matters here...

well this sux.. the iPhone PDF hole was a touch annoying but I'm not sure how many people actively decided to utilize it.. this Android thing however is a flat-out attack.

dear god I hope so.. after nearly being seriously injured moving a box of my wife's books into our new place a few years ago I'm all for the digital book age.

@GuyWithDogs: LOL I know what you mean... I've been looking around trying to see the world from a different perspective. I admit to being a realist at heart so this is more an exercise in expanding my mind than something I actually expect to win. I took a fuzzy indistinct tonight that I like though. .<

OMG one I might just be able to do!!!

ahh Psygnosis, brings back memories. The Killing Gameshow, Agony, /good old days.

Diablo LAN party way back when.. 3 days straight of diablo I & II. Suffice to say.. I was a good bit younger (and not married) back then, no way I could pull a stunt like that off now though, wife or no wife.

Bank account permitting.. I may score Hydro Thunder on my X360.

those are great.. they somewhat loosely remind me of the old Sierra games I played back in the day...

took a few shots tonight, nothing challenge worthy IMO but some after-thunderstorm stuff that just wouldn't happen the same way again.