Reginald Atkins

@Reginald Atkins: game bible that is.. bahh silly enter sans proofreading.. LOL

A valuable lesson I learned ages ago about PVP in all forms, be it FPS, RTS, etc... is this; For some it's not a game, it's a religion, and they worship daily.

@plasticandsteel: same.. I've had no issues with the iPhone 4. As far as data usage goes I tend to avoid huge downloads unless I'm on a wifi connection.

my only digi cam is on my little phone, but I look forward to seeing what others enter. ^_^

phenomenal work, though the Chinese government isn't known for taking protests lightly or in good humor. Hope he doesn't get any repercussions from his work.

I liked the look and feel of safari but it was so far behind other browsers I gave up on it ages ago. Is it time to try it out again I wonder?

@Double Vanos: true that is pretty funny. mind if I steal that pic cause I work in marketing and it makes me smile. Anywho.. I have my iPhone 4.. a buddy of mine has his Droid X, we both like our choices. ultimately that's all that matters.

wow.. just. wow. Sure I'm looking forward to Diablo3 but somehow I don't think the launch is going to prompt me to even get up at midnight.. let alone stand in line 24 hours and burst into tears...

I want one!!!

@blackcat12: yeah but I sorta hated Seinfeld, LOL.

@Ian Logsdon: Hmm I suppose I can see that then from that perspective. I can't think of anyone I would follow or why but you make good points for it's use.

I have yet to find a point to twitter as it currently is.

I am simultaneously in awe and terrified... O_O

while 4 down is good and all let's talk up speeds too FCC!

As the saying goes: There are old electricians and there are bold electricians, but there are no old bold electricians.

@BoscoH: pretty sure I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.. LOL.

gahhh I hear about this after the fact... must... get. even if I don't use it much it's the principle of the thing.


well.. perfect for FB or not, it's quite a bit more interesting to me than farmville and it's many iterations. I just might actually try this one.

@ryoshi: I don't have it..