Reginald Atkins

I was *really* hoping this one would be good despite the director... hoping, praying.

@Edfire77: meh you know what I meant by product and process, that point is splitting hairs.

looks neet but wow.. costly, I'll have to consider it.

@cairnius: on that note I disagree. As a public figure he should realize that his statements do not exist in a vacuum. Given his absolute void of gaming experience that I should hope he too is aware of combined with the fact that he *IS* a public figure, I would have assumed him savvy enough to see the shortcomings of

He's entitled to his opinion.. and so am I, and my opinion says he's wrong and arrogant. Lastly as I was an art major there are very few absolutes about art. One is this; Art is subjective.

bought.. going to pre-order the CE before the end of the week.

I'm probably going to get it for the exercise routine to augment my time in the gym with a low impact home routine. I'm sure I'll pick up a few games on it too but as concept I like Kinect more than wii fit.

the phrase - Nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there - seems to have been created with China in mind.

Awesome.. and if it let's me race ahead of people that cut me off and slam them into a wall of light... worth.every.cent.

great game.. brings back memories of many a Diablo II LAN party back in the day... the old LAN group has long since gone separate ways but I'll enjoy Diablo III all the same.

@TaylorEatWorld: OH HELL NO! Time to move.. f' that!!! I'm not even bug-phobic and I'll tell you that ain't happening.. dear god I'd have to pry my wife off the ceiling with a titanium spatula.

Ahh blackberry.. my care cup runneth under.

on word: Acrophobic. No way this side of hell I'd go anywhere near that pool.

on word: Acrophobic. No way this side of hell I'd go anywhere near that pool.

not sure where or what I'm doing but so far mine's been perfect. I did buy a case for it first off though which has better grip, and I've yet to lose reception while holding the antenna bands... meh. Though I *was* skeptical about the strength of the glass.. just have to be ridiculously careful.. not an issue for me,

give it time.. FF11 made an appearance despite the closed XBL system, really it all boils down to money. How much the game cost to make (a lot I bet), How much MS is willing to offer and lastly How many XBL subscriptions they they they can get to make up the difference. When it comes down to it, Square is a business

I saw the headline.. thought WTF? fully expecting a RickRoll....

wow.. yeah unlawful entry alone is justification for punitive damages. I hope the guy rips them a new one and the cop in question gets a pink slip and how can he be nailed for public intox in his own home?!!?!

@sid9221: Apparently 30 times harder = 30 times more brittle.. may score a bumper when I pick up mine today.