
Ha! So do I, but since it won't happen, I deploy the Doyle Giggle myself when he turns up in a scene.

"Hannah remembering her first meeting with Jason was cheesy as hell (I
like how they indicate the passage of time with bangs)"

I'm not sure. I can't say I've seen it.

Unless, as others have suggested, she's somehow tied into Varga's organization. In which case, yes, she had to take the beating ("one for the team"), and also - since Sy wasn't watching - had to stop reacting in order to fool Sy into thinking she was dead. Maybe her car tires even absorbed some of the blows.

I've loved Stuhlbarg since BOARDWALK EMPIRE. I'm always happy to see his work.

Right. I'm sitting here kicking myself, though, because I do remember (I don't think this is a spoiler) him talking about his family's furniture business on Breaking Bad. But I remembered that only a short time ago, not when I was trying to read his shirt.

I got the impression she was driving to Chuck's. Neither one of them was present for Kim's closing argument.

505-842-5662: New voicemail for SAUL GOODMAN PRODUCTIONS! GET READY TO BE A STAR!

Hot damn! I wondered if that was Krazy-8! I wasn't sure. (And for some reason, I was very invested in reading the logo on his shirt.)

Yes, Moss is Secretary of State (And was once President himself).

The show has been renewed, per Entertainment Weekly. That said, the last nine eps got a late pickup? I thought Designated Survivor was a ratings winner. Is that because of the multiple showunners?

Not clicking.

My husband loves the damned apps, too. He's constantly screwing around with family photos - aging his daughters and granddaughters, turning them into zombies, etc. I find it disturbing. And yes, I can't stand "good" photos of myself (quotes because, y'know, there are none). He has yet to mess with a picture of me

I hate these facial distortion apps. HATE.

I believe we saw the veggies and dip thing happen more than once in BB. And he had both Jesse and Walter over for dinner to discuss business details with them. Gus is very into food as being both a social and a business lubricant.

So was I, and I was very sad when he was told he could power down.

Ugh. That's really disgraceful on Lavell Crawford's part. Reading it, I half-thought (hoped?) it might be parody/satire/someone's idea of a joke.

This. I absolutely melted.

I thought it was Ehrmentraut, too - but I now think it was Ehrmentraub. (I'm not even trying with the spelling, myself.)

Ohhhh. Okay. No, I think it's the laundry/meth lab.