
Actually, that's what I said to my husband last night, come to think of it: "isn't that where the laundry (lab) was?"

I thought the same thing.

I'm pretty sure you're right…the future home of Walter's state-of-the-art lab, correct?

What is this "too much wine" of which you speak?

He came close in this episode - yawning, heavy-lidded, etc. But he's one diligent SOB.

Brendan Fehr. He was the military captain who chewed Jimmy out over the commercial.

I took the porn question to just be a joke on the parts of Seth and Emily.

Paw-lickin' good!

I haven't read the comics, but I know Ezekiel and Shiva are characters therein. I don't know if Ezekiel is the same character, so to speak, from one medium to the other.

Not freaking out, but it didn't go by unnoticed by me, for sure.

Gallows humor is a coping mechanism.

Intel gathered by lieutenants during supply raids of the subservient camps - in particular, maybe the Hilltop? Gregory's a weasel, after all.

I liked that it was handled in an "almost boring" way. It's about time we stopped with the dramatic music and the "Ohmygaw that character has TEH GHEY" and just treated everyone's sexual preference equally.

Rosita and Sasha never would've bought "I have a plan" from Eugene.

In old-school soap operas (the daytime stuff my mother used to watch), kids aged ridiculously fast. And I mean *ridiculously*. Someone would have a baby, their husband would start an affair or something, and the "baby" is in high school a year later and catches Daddy with his squeeze. Crazy.

Completely agree, and so does Tom Payne, who plays Jesus.

I agree. Berkeley's a ton of fun to watch.

My sister had early-onset Alzheimer's, and was severely injured in a car crash that clearly exacerbated her condition. She died less than a year after the accident.

Reminiscent of the movie PHONE BOOTH. Kiefer played a sniper in it, and he wore (considerably less attractive) horn-rimmed glasses.

I know, right? Every time Kiefer's on screen, I involuntarily yell DAMMIT!