
I took one look at Sam and said to my husband, "was he bitten at some point?" I remember Jessie having to take out a walker in her house, but I don't specifically recall Sam being that close to one. The older kid, Ron, is pale, but I kind of think that's just his coloring. Sam looks sick.

ha! I didn't see your comment till I'd posted mine…

"Mom? I hafta go to the bathroom…"

Bwahahahahaha! I said exactly the same thing while watching the episode.

I fail to understand why Tommy Flanagan couldn't give us at least one "Brucie, boy." Oh, Chibs.

If I want something good, I'll ask for bacon. Taylor Ham, Pork Roll - you can call it whichever you want. I call BOTH of them "inedible."

Interesting story:

Korl's favorite toy robot, as a child.


In the "Mommy" episode, Alex has a monologue in which she makes clear that she preferred Holden to her husband and her daughter.

I only know Dr. Montgomery (Matt Ross) as Alby Grant on BIG LOVE, in which he and Chloe Sevigny played siblings.


And, it was "injured," according to Alex. (Remember, John was shooting at the "baby.") So, it actually looked worse than usual, I guess…

It was Liz who reminded Alex (Sevigny) that you only get one true love. She seemed to understand that Alex's fixation on Holden may be something other than maternal. And yeah, that's uncomfortable.

Right. Ramona said herself that the cut she suffered in Room 33 would be completely healed in "about an hour."

Deanna wasn't raiding the pantry. At the end of her scene with Spenser (really…it's spelled with two S's, rather than Spencer? Is it his middle name? Is his first name actually Dis?), she's seen repacking the wire basket of supplies. She was returning Spenser's haul to the pantry, not stealing more.

Pleaseohpleaseohplease let it be Frances Conroy. I LOVE her.

The over-enunciation is common, to my ears, among non-actors trying to be actorly. IMO, Gaga's a pretty rotten actor.

I hope you're right, because that is a clever twist.

Didn't make it past the first 20 minutes. "Someone defecated on the film," sez I.