(Offense scores 31 points against stout defense, team loses)
(Offense scores 31 points against stout defense, team loses)
Nothing like a five-point corner kick to ring in the college football season!
I look forward to Kaepernick expanding his knee-taking protests to the sideline for entire games.
2 out of 10....would not bang
I contracted VD just from looking at that thing.
The continued employment of Steve Spagnuolo is basically a how-to manual for how to fail upwards in life.
“Catch a Fish, Butcher it, and Make Some Crudo”
How many years into the future of this country do we have until people are publicly shamed or uniformly called ignorant for still eating meat?
The Jag Rag. Never forget.
Aldon Smith better chalk up this whole episode as a personal L.
I found the part of his statement where he talked about all the social justice organizations he tried out for in high school, but was cut from, to be uncomfortably long and bitter.
How long before Tom Brady is caught replacing the microchips, and some poor Patriots schlub’s text messages talking about it are argued to be referencing very small potato chips?
That will buy you a lot of Papa John’s and Budweiser.
Is there still time to jump to conclusions?
The first Olympic Games. Too many dongs.
“When it comes to social justice, don’t stay Me70.”
If Lebron was actually a class guy, he would have hugged Colonel Sanders after getting off the plane, and then said he was going home to enjoy a smooth Coors Light.