
I’d watch a Miss America Chavez/ Kate Bishop team up movie. I don’t even care about context, or who we got there, I just want to see star shaped portals.

The screaming has to be mentioned because with Serena, it’s so excessive. I can understand being pumped after a big shot or whatever but sometimes it’s so out of place

Serena is that you?

Serena is an amazing athlete, but the screaming thing is an issue. It comes out more when she’s down in a match and she’s been warned before in the US Open for yelling out before she even hits the ball.

Serena and her coach immediately starting whining about injuries and taking the credit away from Pliskova. They are such sore losers.

There is more violence against men than against women in the show, it is true.

But the thing is, the violence against women is largely sexual assault, which is something that happens frequently in the real world. The violence against men has been kidnapping and torture, battlefield combat, political assassination,

That’s the problem I had. Star Trek ‘09 did nothing for me and I really didnt like The Remix of Khan, so I’m not exactly knocking over chairs and tables to get to see Star Trek III. Someday, perhaps - when I’m bored and nothing is on TV - but not right away.

Civil War was god damn stupid. Particularly Zemo’s nonsensical plan. I’m just here to gives stars for jumping in front of that fanboy fueled hype train and pointing out the extremely obvious flaws no one is willing to accept from this movie because “zomg it’s Spider-Man fighting Cap! Best movie ever!”

Nothing ruined Iron Man, he’s always been a villain.

The title should be:

Somewhere out there is a mid-century modern, Mad Men-ish, version of Fantastic Four that we deserve. Just get Guy Ritchie to direct it, tell him to shoot like The Man From UNCLE, and, voila.

Witchcraft isn’t a religion, it’s a practice, a craft. I know many witches who are of different religions, Christians, Jews, Atheists, Pagans. And yes, wands are a tool in some people’s practice of it.

How is it silly, though? Witchcraft and paganism (they are separate though often linked) is older than Christianity.

I have to side with the shop owner. Those are spiritual aides to him and not toys. It’s like my distaste for people using rosaries as jewelry. That’s not what they were intended for. You are misusing it.

I am 100% on the side of the wand-maker.

Honestly, witchcraft isn’t any sillier than any other religion. Spells are basically prayers with ritual objects. A wand is just another object to use, just like herbs, strings, crystals, etc.

Or you know. To practicing wiccans.

Is it just me, or has J.K.Rowling gotten a bit insufferable?