
I think we're only SUCH a minority because we stopped watching the show period.

Clearly I know what I'm doing tonight: REWATCHING THIS SO MUCH.

BRIGHT! <3 Everwood love, back when Star Lord and Agent 13 were siblings.

People will be cut over Lady Lovely Locks!

Wrong, Rob! I freaking loved the Moon Dreamers! I still have my old VHS tape of episodes that my dad bought me when I was kid.

I'm dismayed they did such a good job but then went with such a shoddy witch board. Come on, guys, try a little harder!

Hmm. This is disappointing.

I call this movie "Rage of Redtron" because I cannot unhear that voice as Red's.

It's amazing what people will do. My best friend as a child went to live with her grandmother (who is horrible but that's another story) because her own mother married the man who molested her. He went to PRISON for the crime and her mother still chose to marry him.

Ah! Did I read that right? Roger Howarth on The Flash?!? My soap fandom and my superhero fandoms colliding!

I know. I'm so broken up with Arrow at the moment. First Slade and Moira were gone and now Sara?! Not cool, Arrow, not cool.

I'm pretty sure the most important thing about those OUAT is that Hook is in (sexy) regular clothes. Finally, a costume change!

To my eternal sadness, you have indeed found the exception to that statement.

And he willingly embraces his adopted humanity thus finding a place for himself where he was searching before.

I agree. I'm not at all impressed with KSD's Captain Marvel book and I gave it about 12 issues before I gave up. However, I really enjoyed some of the older Ms. Marvel (Dark Reign era) that I've read and I loved the character on the Earth Mightiest Heroes cartoon. So I'd like a chance to see her on the big screen.

Honestly, I'm mostly thrown off by this article's fast and loose interpretation of the historical aspects of Gnosticism. It is arguably not obscure and the Cathars (definitely influenced by Gnostic thought and worldview) were a force in Southern France in the 13th century. I can't get past the first paragraph because

This is what gets me about Black Widow in Iron Man 2. I spent every one of her action scenes going OH MY GOD TIE UP ALL THOSE LUCIOUS CURLS, GIRL. It was just so completely impractical. That and unsensible shoes really piss me off when it comes to ladies' costumes.

I don't think I accept this post's premise and not only because I can manage to both like astrology while also understanding that it's Not Real Science and accepting what Real Science Actually Is. (haphazard capitalization for emphasis.) I think the pitfalls listed here that make astrology "dangerous" are what make

I love this comment. There was something off in this post that was irritating me and I couldn't figure out what but this comment clarified it for me.

Matter of fact, I did.