Internet rumors are pointing as Fusco as the possible departing team member. Which will make me very sad. :(
Internet rumors are pointing as Fusco as the possible departing team member. Which will make me very sad. :(
Emily Van Camp is playing Sharon Carter (Agent 13) in Cap2 and Saffron Burrows plays Victoria Hand on SHIELD. They aren't playing the same character.
There is so much 'corporate synergy' between ABCD and Marvel movies, it's not even funny. EVC in both Cap2 and Revenge, Seb Stan in Cap1 and OUAT, Josh Dallas in Thor1 and OUAT...
The actress is Emily Van Camp. She's the lead on ABC's Revenge TV series.
Emily Van Camp has her Revenge-nista bitchface on in that Cap2 cap. I love it!
Well, wouldn't she show up in a show about Luke and Jessica eventually? She could spin off there!
I like how you created a post where all the arguments about Marvel versus DC on TV that are spread across the comments section of several posts can now be centered here. I like your style, Rob.
Every Final Fantasy game ever? Or at least FFVII through FFX-2, which are the ones I've played.
I hated RedK on Smallville, too. Every time it showed up, I wanted to stab someone. But yes, definitely, we can all agree to like different things.
I love Veronica Mars and the original Rob Thomas's original Cupid show; I was less enthralled with the Cupid reboot he did, but I still got an instant thrill when I saw his name was attached to this. I don't even like zombies as a thing, but I will give anything Rob Thomas does a chance because Veronica Mars.
After 10 seasons of Smallville (most of which involved looking at Tom Welling, natch), I'm happy to leave Kryptonite to the side for a while, tbh. But my appreciation for MoS isn't just about my appreciation for Supes's hunky actor. Mainly, I was pleased with the overall emotional arc for Clark's character, I loved…
I read an Associated Press review of the film in my local (US) newspaper that pretty much agrees with you / the reviews on your side of the Atlantic.
No, I am being 100% sincere. In fact I've already seen it multiple times in the movie theater. Also quite frankly, looking at Henry Cavill makes this movie worth a ton of rewatches in and of itself but I genuinely love MoS, even if everyone else hates it. So I respectfully disagree that it's not worth all the…
I'm so glad this DVD release is finally upon us. And I will think fondly of everyone here at io9 when I throw down my money next week for the DVD/Bluray/whateverspecialexpensivething collection they have available and watch it over and over and over again.
Comparing ratings between AoS (on ABC) and Arrow (on CW) is comparing apples to oranges, so I don't think that's really an indication of anything. And, yes, I know, Smallville sucked but DC has had a string of live-action shows on the air since the 90s (even if they were all Superman) whereas Marvel has just gotten…
I'm curious to know if fans are really intestered in a Skye/Ward romance on Agents of SHIELD. Even people that like and enjoy the show seem to think that those characters/that relationship is one of the weaker points of the show, at least from what I've read.
I can't be the only person who wouldn't mind going to Balamb Garden from Final Fantasy VIII, am I? Sure, you're a merc by the time you're 15 but...well, you're a merc by the time you're 15! You learn magic and history and literature and combat skills and you get to use summon monsters, which eat your memories but…
I watched the pilot of Dracula but I didn't see this week's ep. It is fairly crazy, very much in the vein of Sleepy Hollow in that everything's been thrown into a blender and mashed together. It's like a sexy steampunk offshoot of the 90s movie version of Dracula. (Much like a fanfic au of a fanfic au.) I enjoyed the…
I thought in Secret Warriors, they were Caterpillar files, not centipede files?
My mom has pretty much dropped TVD for The Originals. She thinks all the best characters went to NOLA at this point.