
@Anne Boleyn: Apparently there was a vaccination causes something bad scare happening when I was an infant, so my mom asked her doctor about it and his response allayed all her fears. He said, "I know all the risks and it's still better than what can happen without them. All of my children have been vaccinated."

@Angryrider: I'm actually starting to believe Supernatural is paying too much attention to fandom. First slash, now RPF. I'm sorta frightened.

@laureltreedaphne: Exactly. This email was written for someone with whom she shares a ton of history, not for internet consumption so everyone has all the backstory. I would never email my friend about her douchey boyfriend and take the time to explain why I think he's a douche; we've all known each other since high

@Mrs.West: Maybe she doesn't say why because Bride and Bridesmaid already had that discussion. When I email my friend about her douchey boyfriend, I don't rehash why he's douchey IMO since she already knows why I feel that way.

@vamusical: I work in porn, so I googled it for you. Don't worry, it's not dirty. From wiki:

@vikkitikkitavi: That is exactly what I was thinking when I read this.

I want to hate on this but there are so many photos of me doing similar when I was 14-15...except I was a girl and I had an ammo belt with bullets that I had reloaded by hand.

@Jaymii: You're right. Basically, 'the boys are fighting' should've long run its course as spoiler info.

"...also feature a lot of friction between the two brothers, with their relationship still in a very damaged state..."

This movie apparently opens ON Nic Cage's birthday; how can I refuse that omen?

@tvangel88: A nurse friend of mine was talking about this with me over the holiday and other side effects people rarely talk about include an inability to have any sugar — since it hits your blood stream almost immediately, it leads to serious diabetes — and what she called 'dumping syndrome' which is explosive,

Nope, not a chosen one. I'm short, fat, sarcastic and have a funny accent. Clearly, I'm the witty sidekick.

@haus_frau: The Republican senator from my state (NC) voted for the repeal, I was so proud of him! It's the first time I think he's ever voted my way on an issue.

@214w: Well in keeping with the theme of the show, I'll sell my soul to bring her back?

My mom is a Supernatural uberfan but hates everything anime. I hope her head explodes when I introduce her to this!

@drunkexpatwriter: Yuna is one of my favorite game characters ever. I love all the ladies from FFX, although FFX-2 is a different story.

You know what episode was the beginning of the end for me with SGA? Season 3's Irresistible, the one where the guy uses the juice to make everyone follow his every command and the fact that he was physically raping all his so-called 'wives' is played up as oh-so-hilarious.

I first read the title as George SANDERS and not Saunders, so I have to admit I was a little disappointed that this wasn't about The Saint.

I could use some advice on this, if someone has any to offer:

Not only is this the stupidest shit EVER, it only makes me angrier when I think of all the great people I know who can't buy a damn job in a school system because we don't have the right connections. And these people can't even be bothered to do the necessary background checks? UGH.