
@enfantdevaudou: This is the way I've dealt with Christmases two years running, ever since it was decided I would host our family Christmas Eve celebration because a) my mom who is a bed-bound invalid lives with me and can't travel and b) the aunt who used to host it got her house remodeled and suddenly believes us

Paris Hilton and I have the same taste in collector Barbies...I'm gonna go cry in the corner now.

You should probably have warned them about crossgen in general - there are a ton of Hermione/Snape and Hermione/Lupin fics out there, which sometimes squick the unknowing as much as accidentally encountering slash.

@zegota: No she didn't even admit to her plagiarizing when she was doing it IN her fanfic.

@stacyinbean: Nothing will ever stop the Harmonians, god bless them.

@Walking Eye!: XXX parodies are 100x more popular on the straight side. In fact there's a ton of superhero ones coming down at the moment, including two Batman ones and Tori Black as Wonder Woman.

@Cinnamoncanuck: Yes, she has. My cousin is now almost 18 years old and while we are still facing some repercussions from this to this day (the biggest being that she never recovered from missing school when she was in recovery and then she was picked on so much that she dropped out as soon as she was legally able and

A 16yo boy coerced my 13yo cousin into sex, and then treated her cruelly in all the typical ways asshole boys do for months, until she took every prescription pill she could find in her home and crawled in her mom's bed to wait to die.

Ahahahaha! I love this movie so I actually know what Dana Andrews has in his hand, but yeah, he totally looks like he's texting someone.

@T. L. Morgendorffer: No, this is happening to me, too. I live off junk food and shit that is bad for me and it caught up to my GI system a few months ago. To help that, I cut out beef and sodas entirely, and notched up on veggies and whole grains. I feel a ton better and since I'm still eating the same mostly (hello,

Yay! I own this book but haven't got around to reading it yet. I'll definitely try and do that this weekend so I can participate.

@YoungBayardRustin: Bareback is way more popular in gay porn than condom-only porn, period.

@amowls: Girl/Girl porn is typically considered straight porn because straight men are the ones who buy it.

Didn't they promise us a gay character this season? Maybe I blinked and missed his/her introduction, but I don't think so.

This is actually what I'm making tonight:

@theladyvanishes: I always liked that wacko she dated in college — Tom? Yeah, Tom.

@HRH Your Cuntness aka likepenguins: omg, really? I actually have my copy at home in the closet and now I must read it! soon as I finish my re-read of my Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys Super Mysteries, that is.