Pete Franklin Is Bored By Your Babble

Who said anything about anal?

“We were in the mountains half the year, and I was in Prague, too, so I was going to two schools,” she said. “From the start, there were a lot of people who would say, ‘You cannot do both; you need to specialize, otherwise you will never reach a higher level.’ Since I was 14, I already had these discussions with

“and yet Ingraham goes straight for an attack on his “un-grammatical” and “barely intelligible” words”

This was not the snow the Mexican and Colombian skiers were promised.

To be fair, he is probably exhausted from having more sex than any of the 113 men who finished in front of him.

Fact remains, no matter the laws, criminals will always find a way.

you mean the bob competition?

What the fuck is wrong with those guys?

I really want to know: what’s your point?

or even the reality in which those problems exist.

Now playing

I can only think there are way too many commenters here who don’t know the agony of defeat.

I’ve noticed more and more people using “shit” as an adjective instead of a noun, i.e., “this is shit pizza.” This is fucking stupid and wrong. How do I know that this person isn’t actually eating shit pizza? The phrase should be, “this is shitty pizza.” Why are people doing this? People need to stop doing this.

Greatness in competition and in proactive marketing.

*BPD waits for November and Native American Heritage Month*

Chris Farley? John Belushi? Ken Caminiti?

That’s a lot of Ks for someone who pitches to contact

Always grammar truthers.

Counting the ways that made this Cavs victory so sweet:

if a week ago someone had said “look: LeBron just needs four guys who don’t trip over their own feet in order to beat the brakes off the Celtics on the road” they’d have sounded like a clown

Sometimes I watch the Celtics and think, “What a fun young team” and then one of their shit fans post something like this