Pete Franklin Is Bored By Your Babble

I will cry and puke and punch a hole in the wall when the Wizards sign him. 

Don’t meth with Missouri.

Reminiscent of the Doug Collins 1980s Bulls offense of “Give the ball to Michael and get the fuck out of the way”.

The cherry on top of the shit sundae was picking up the 2018-2019 option at the end of October. They went from guaranteeing the guy $2.4 million for the 2018-2019 season to deciding it wasn’t worth keeping the guy in the building in the span of 3 months.

One additional decision that completely changed the game last night was Coach Holtmann’s decision to go small to close out the game. He recognized that Kaleb Wesson couldn’t keep up with Haas without fouling, so he trusted Kaleb’s 6'5", 195 pound brother Andre to guard him down the stretch and brought Dakich in. Andre

Really, Ohio State’s losses are not that bad:

Scenario is legit. I saw a movie about it once.

I’m a Michigan grad so I can’t hear you from inside this whiskey bottle.

Love that kid’s expression. It screams, “ah, that’s what it means to be a Knicks fan.”

That’s somebody’s fucking business. Likely a fellow Philly diehard.

Hope there’s a follow up on how the store owners are coping. This could be pretty devastating to their business, no?

I would take a backup QBs salary, a Super Bowl MVP and a colossal penis any day.

he takes two chicks home?

Or, if you wanna splurge on the more luxurious brands, one carton of the definitely-in-the-works LaMelo Slims.

To your latter point; one could argue that he’s helping out a victim of child abuse

An appropriate homage to former Eagles coach Buddy Ryan’s 4'6" defense.

“My husband can’t throw and catch the ball at the same time” -Gisele

Now playing

By the way, someone cut together a bunch of different angles of Brady missing that catch in the first half:

James Harrison’s sons: [take AFC Championship ring away from their dad]