Pete Franklin Is Bored By Your Babble

That’s his shout out to Louis!

This is a common affliction that begins in mid November to millions of people. It’s a preholiday condition where increased amounts of dopamine are produced by the body generating increased blissful feelings toward others . Functional Euphoria and Kinship (FUK)

He’s 75 and aging in dog years.

More impressive if he referenced DHL.

He’ll be well prepared in advance with an excuse as to why 4th quarter sales are down.


Good work Dom. ✔

That’s because the stadium deals are only stadium deals in the near term. The ‘long play’ is turning them into real estate plays.

In other words it exactly resembles their chucklehead show for 18 years...part bland/part dumb sports talk. I’m guessing Mike Jr will eliminate half that equation going forward.

The rapid medical evaluation on the torn rotator cuff and dislocated shoulder was completed by the #800 Lawyer sitting at the bar drinking Bud Ice Light.

Everything about this is horrendous. I could see how this could be a first draft rendering.

Dear NFL please listen to your fan base and do the following-

Deplorable but expected in a ‘say anything’ society. As long as you pander to your followers..... A page taken right from our President’s script.

The dude fell out of a tree and broke his pelvis. Wtf is wrong with you people?

Shocking news....

No one mentions the number one reason to keep Goodell in place....

“The NFL will implode.”

I don’t do Twitter, but if I did, I would definitely follow the Nuggets feed. Strong use of 140 characters.

Its not a coincidence that Ball gets busted in China while Trump is on his first Asian trip... I just can’t connect the dots yet!