
The comics weren't any better to be honest, so it's clear at this point the showrunners have no desire to take it in any different direction.

Well, some of us who read and quit the comics at this point were kind of hoping the show would take it in a different direction (or at least, a less exploitative direction). So, I don't think it's enough to say "if you read the comics you would have been fine with this".

I agree but I also really get Amethyst's frustration in this scene, especially in the context of Peridot insisting just before the blow-up that she was powerless without access to technology. I'd like to think though that Amethyst would have stretched out to catch it before it got destroyed at the very least lol

To be fair, the first time happened before the peridemption and after Peridot tried to sell them all out to YD and annihilate them all.

I'm glad the show has once again recognized Steven's ongoing struggle between being a Gem and being a human. It's becoming one of the more prominent conflicts for Steven and really fits into the overall themes of love and acceptance for this season especially. It'll make the eventual resolution that much more poignant.

I think the story was worth even more than the (beautiful) details of Ruby and Sapphire's beginnings. One of the best parts of getting a backstory episode in this show is being able to bring together and confirm what we know about the Gems and the society they were born in just as Steven begins to discover it himself.

Well, we did just have a whole week's worth of conflict that didn't get automatically resolved and took a lot of time and potential life threatening situations to get things ironed out.

I'm not usually one to complain about the episode grade but I mean, it seems a bit off. I wonder how much the "hamfisted-ness" the OP is feeling is due to the "Steven Bombs" (i.e. the awkward hiatuses)? It really hasn't been long since Joy Ride where Steven was outright questioning the consequences of his mother's

I mean, I'm not saying it's not a valid interpretation but it's not the /only/ interpretation for fusions. That same talk about "vulnerability" and "communication" and being "synced with your partner" can easily apply to any aspect of a relationship — in that case romantic, but even in platonic relationships.

I'm not quite sure, but is the second part of the sentence a reference to Stevonnie?? Which I mean, I agree with you re: the definition of sexual assault. I just don't like categorizing fusion as a sexual act. Intimacy is a good word.

Aha, I don't think it would be inaccurate to call her the literal feral child.

I don't think that's a stretch at all! I mean, the song is literally in response to Jasper's claim that fusions (i.e. love, relationships, bonds) are a sign of weakness.

lmao I get the Greg comment since he is almost as precious as Steven is, but I mean, if Greg can find it in himself to forgive her I think I can as well. ;)

lmao You mean the fictional, nondescript war crimes of an alien civilization associated with Earth's invasion versus the actual and violent genocide of specific groups of people based on ethnicity, religion and sexual orientation?

Um, excuse you!!!!! Amethyst is a precious little ball of self-loathing and overcompensation and trying to find her place outside of the literal monster Homeworld tried to create her as. She's still finding her way~*~

That was a pretty steep escalation to Godwin's law…

I never really liked the equation of fusion and sexual relationships to be honest (especially since Connie and Steven have done so), but I can see where you're coming from.

Also I just wanted to point out how much I love the details of the show. Did anybody else notice the gem's respective piles of clothing during the opening scene? Complete manifestations of their personalities for a maybe 2-second shot. I love it!

Well, I mean, considering the target audience for this show is still children I doubt that Garnet's emphasis on strong relationships and love will have much of a burn for its intended viewers. And it's not really just Garnet's emphasis - it's a core tenet of the show. I mean, just a couple of episodes ago we were

They're pretty cute! You can find free downloads on the official website.