
Jaime told Bronn to go fire it. It was when he said, "I can't fire the thing with one hand," and then Bronn ran off.

Again, what is homophobic in the episode? What is the "gay humor" in the episode?

Yes, but I'm sure it was 90% due to the headache, and only 10% the screaming baby/adults on the TV.

I'm nursing a bit of a hangover so I'm a little on edge, but so far this has been the most annoying thing I've ever watched.

Maybe it's a rhetorical question?

Unflattering is on trend.

Yes, it's the Buzzfeedification of our everyday prose.

She's a mess, but still, hot female train wrecks usually match up with their hot male train wreck equivalents.

In the scene where she tells Ziggy he had no father, my mind went there. Also the way she said, "There's nothing wrong with you!" It was like she was trying to convince herself as much as him. Strong "Happy Valley" vibes.

A horny one.

Prison was the original theory I heard, but the institution theory probably became the front runner due to all the emphasis on his mental instability earlier in the season.

Public masturbation.

Elliot's father's twist was predicted early on too. I guess it's more about the journey than the reveal?

Why is he in prison? If it's for killing Tyrell, he won't be getting out of prison any time soon. But his therapist made it sound like he could be released any day.

His mother's house had a red phone installed into the wall of a hallway. He was stuck sitting there watching men play basketball.

Ray could have been running a conventional black market in the prison, and Tor/cryptocurrency was just part of the delusion. Or not, and they'll have opportunity to spend the bitcoins once they're released.

I'm not really seeing the Pan's Labyrinth monster connection. Seems like a stretch.

A lot of these comparisons are really weak. But if they really did manage to create a monster that combined aspects of Predator, Jaws, Pan's Labyrinth, Alien, etc., that's pretty cool.

Right. Hip hop is best reviewed by a black person. If a black person is not available, another minority may be substituted. Classical music should be reviewed by a white person, but an East Asian will work in a pinch. These are the rules.

If AMC can renew Halt and Catch Fire, Mr. Robot might have a few more seasons in the tank.