
Phew. Thank you. The comments seem almost unanimously against this word, yet having read the whole post I remain unconvinced. And I say this as a feminist who recognizes the importance of language (e.g. I am against calling humans bitches).

I have the same line of thinking. When I use "female" or "male" it's usually in one of three contexts:

1.) Discussing uniforms.
2.) Discussing gender of servicemember.
3.) Discussing mechanical connectors.

What I find interesting is that the word "female" is under attack when it's really about the context of the word and

What terms do you think are appropriate? I don't like female, but I feel like that Britney Spears song sometimes: not a girl, not yet a woman. Woman, although accurate, feels too mature for my place in life unless I'm being written about in a police blotter (local woman, age bla bla bla). Lady, on the other hand, is

Your points are correct, except for #4. Why would being called a female mean you are inferior, unless you believe that yourself? Like you correctly stated, it is a scientific term for one gender. The fact that you manage to link that to being inferior is kind of depressing.

Seriously, the only time I want to hear the word female is in a nature documentary. For example, "After coitus the female of the species devours the her mate." That sounds just fine.

"When you refer to a woman as a female, you're ignoring the fact that she is a female human," write Nigatu and Clayton, pointing out the connotation that follows: "It reduces a woman to her reproductive parts and abilities."

Instead of having a straight prohibition against the word "female," I'll instead use my brain and judge the merits of using the word based on the context in which it is used. I know, I know - heady stuff.

They've already retconned them to no longer be Magneto's children.

There is already kind of a comic retcon going on. There is some stuff going on currently about them not being the children of Magneto. Nothing has been explicitly explained yet but that's the way its heading.

Man, this only goes to show.

L + R = J


Definitively A Confederancy of Dunces.

"Game of Thrones". Happily, I gave it multiple chances. I didn't really hate it, but I'm not much of a fantasy fan and it was pretty boring to start out. I kept going after I first got to Bran going out the tower window.

When I first read Dune I was 10 and I didn't get it. I hated it but a year later I was sick for two weeks and I run out of things to read so I read it again and this time I loved it. It became my favourite book for few years to the point I memorised some parts because I've read it so many times. Apparently at 10 I

Dune - I tried reading it several times in the 70s and just couldn't get into it. Then I read somewhere that you have to get past X number of pages and when I did that, I was hooked. Since then I've read all of Herbert's Dune books and even the early volumes from his son.

People will say I'm crazy, but I thought Dune started incredibly slowly, and took way too long to really become interesting. My older sister told me to power through, and I did, and now I think it's superb, but that really did not come naturally to me.

Ok, that's a pretty good reply and you're probably not really an asshole, but dibs is fucking terrible. Dude, be a good neighbor.

See a spot saver? Toss some water and pack some snow on it so it freezes in place. Boston is all about that shit, fuck them. If you drive in a snowy city, accept that you will need to keep a shovel available in your car and take care of business when you come back home.

Suck it up, asshole. Everybody got up early. Everybody shoveled out a space, and in most cases, they helped somebody else shovel one out too. If you can't handle it, pony up for a parking space or move to the suburbs where you belong.

Dibs is all that is wrong with society!