Boston doesn't have a superiority and an inferiority complex.
Boston doesn't have a superiority and an inferiority complex.
Revis didn't really chase a Super Bowl. The Jets had to trade him because they didn't have cap space (Thanks Tannenbaum!). TB got hoodwinked and paid Revis to rehab for a year. Revis went to New England because he knew that he could prove himself there. Then, the team that wanted him all along had the cap space and…
Not really. Quarterbacks throw at Sherman. Revis' presence still essentially closes off a portion of the field.
The story of human history
People actually use toothpicks to pick at their teeth?
Everything will be "gamified" in the future
Yeah. I agree. I am never going to travel for beer or trade cans with someone on the Internet (damn, I set up a catfishing joke), but I will pick something that sounds rare and the microbrew bar or beer store.
The silver lining is that a lot of local breweries are being more inventive. Whether or not they should is a different conversation.
I enjoy weird beer and then I get the feeling that I am "trophy" hunting.
Later on, thanks to wimmin's studies, I would come to understand that this is partly because our society devalues the work that women tend to do, deeming it too menial for men to be bothered with. Chore-avoidance is also because of learned helplessness, a real thing people do every day to fake like they don't…
They were doing a great job last Feb-April. A babyface with amazing feats of strength. He is legitimately the pound for pound strongest guy on the roster.
I still watch for NXT and Heyman, Rollins, Ambrose, Cesaro, and Kidd on the main roster. I guess that I am a mark for life.
Yep. No institutionalized racism in the Northeast.
Tim Tebow is the villain that US Rugby 7s deserves
And The Rock did to Lana and Rusev in Brooklyn
Which is funny when two of their biggest stars (Rock and Cena) made careers out of belittling women and calling other wrestlers "gay."
Good bourbon is much more cost effective than good scotch.
marriage equality