reformed calvinist

For movies? Pirating, I guess...or your local library. I ordered all 4 Mad Max movies last week and they were all ready for pickup within two days.

Yeah, Prime is awesome to catch up on (or rewatch) those HBO shows. I’ll sub occasionally for that, but usually with a few months break in between, because most of the rest of their offerings are wretched.

His name is Lance.

Just please build me a time machine and take me back to the AV Club of yore...but somehow also have 2018 entertainment reviews there also.

Well, with the prequel trilogy still currently in existence, this is a pretty easy choice.

This is basically my experience with every Nintendo system. There are some big name titles I can’t wait to dig into, but then the back catalog eventually leaves me cold. I think part of the problem is that they usually design their systems to be “party machines” where you have friends over and do friend type stuff and

Yeah opinion has really swung... I think these days people are a lot more fond of these gonzo Hollywood movies that tried some bizarre things. I’m looking at the current climate of fairly bland but tightly-plotted superhero movies, and thinking this might be a reaction to that.

I mean, the real #1 reason is simply that Jim Henson’s dead. You’ll never be able to recreate the magic without him.

Yeah..basically half of the list of movies I want to watch with my kids is getting axed (Batman series, Cool Runnings, Apollo 13 etc).

I need to figure out how to separate my spotify account away from my facebook connection. Stupidly linked them when I started spotify, and now I don’t want to lose all my playlists by deleting my fb acct. But once I get that, I’m all set.

Man I’m the complete opposite...after reading this, I don’t know if I would feel comfortable sleeping next to another human ever again. Fortunately, that shouldn’t be a problem.

Yeah, kudos to Caroline here...this is the best article I’ve read on AVC since...well since the kinjapocalypse at least. I don’t even like rom-coms, but this is the kind of in-depth insight into pop culture that I originally came to the site for.

Great blows my mind that Reiner was involved in that run of films, because his personality as a director is totally in service of the film itself. For my money, Spinal Tap will always be unrivaled, but I think a lot of people consider it more of a Christopher Guest project.

Yeah the 99% assessment is about right. If you’re into eSports, the tournament broadcasts are definitely worth watching. Most of the other stuff if better as just highlights on YT though.

Yeah, that seems to be the only fitting conclusion to the show. On the fence about whether or not to even watch this season...really liked parts of S1/2, but a lot of the end of S2 started rubbing me the wrong way.

Yeah, you’ve definitely got a point. I’ll be honest...I’ve bought hardly anything for my two daughters or my niece/nephew at Toys r us...the prices are just not competitive. But the browsing experience is great.

I disagree! Now, I haven’t actually seen Zathura, so you might consider me under-informed. But my nostalgia for Jumanii is near insurmountable!

Welcome to 2018, where outrage is so intense and prevalent that it is indistinguishable from a parody of itself.

I could mention that this isn’t infinite and it’s not a war, but you know me, I don’t like to complain.

Yeah, even in 1999 I thought the concept was dumb, especially when people took it out of the movie and tried to apply it to real life. The movie worked though because the action/plotting/visuals etc were on point.