How good in this show on a scale of The Wire to Treme? I really want to watch it, but think i need to pirate to do so.
How good in this show on a scale of The Wire to Treme? I really want to watch it, but think i need to pirate to do so.
Where’s that Vines royalty money, though, am I rite?
Yeah but he was a cranky old white dude.
Please let there be CGI Art Carney and Bea Arthur
I know it’s stupid, but I’ve mentally categorized it along with Boss Baby for the time being. Once I actually see it, we’ll see about moving it to a different bucket...
If it makes you feel any better, I live in a major metro city and I’ve seen precisely none of these films. Actually, I’m not sure if I went to a theater at all this year, come to think of it...
My kids absolutely love it too, so I guess it holds up for the younger generation as well.
I haven’t seen Summer of Sam in awhile, but I remember liking it a lot. Keep in mind its Spike Lee at his nuttiest, so if you aren’t already a fan of his, it’ll likely be very unpalatable.
Coming from an even further date into the future, hello past commenters! Loving this show too as I make it through the first time. Wish I could still browse the TV Club in the old format, but I’ll take what scraps I can get.
Yeah, my three main complaints were 1) The Lost Sister episode, 2) the Rob Lowe-dude in general, and 3) A little slack early season pacing, as if the show was trying to find its arc. Everything else was great though.
Yeah, GLOW was a lot better than I would have expected. I came for the 80s ladies wrestling, but what really ended up being compelling was the writing and acting. There actually was far less wrestling than I had expected, but I was fine with that.
Oh wow, just realized it wasn’t on here. Not gonna say that S2 was perfect, but I think the overall quality was strong enough to warrant a spot.
Honestly, this is one of the first years that GoT didn’t spring to mind when thinking about the year’s best shows. And I actually liked it a bit more than last season. It’s still a fantastic show from a technical perspective, but I think that the whole thing is starting to crumble a little bit, not due to the TV…
I’m still not sold on Twin Peaks either. The highs were definitely very high, but the lows were quite frequent. I’m also not convinced that the whole adds up to more than the sum of the parts, but I guess it’ll require a rewatch. All in all, it felt a bit like a more cinematic version of S2.
Three days? Man, I just realized my three WEEK wait to see the movie is going to make for some really irritating internet experience.
Xiu Xiu still getting slept on... Forget is probably one of their best albums.
Just glad to finally see it get mentioned here somewhere. Such a great album, and I normally hate reunion albums.
3 digit upvotes?! Whoa easy there sir. What do you think this is, pre-kinja AV Club?
Good to see some Slowdive shout outs, but still no mention of my other top 2: Xiu Xiu and Great Grandpa. Surprised at the everyone forgetting Xiu Xiu, since critic are usually on board with his stuff, and this was one of his best efforts.
I actually liked S2, mostly because the last few episodes were so strong. It definitely started out weakly though, and kind of struggled to find a reason for existing.