Not a huuuge fan of his movies outside of the Living Dead trilogy, but Martin is definitely a movie that deserves more love. Very odd and creepy, and a nice take of the vampire mythos.
Not a huuuge fan of his movies outside of the Living Dead trilogy, but Martin is definitely a movie that deserves more love. Very odd and creepy, and a nice take of the vampire mythos.
Night almost feels like a different series than Dawn/Day, but I've always loved it from the first time I saw it on cable in the middle of the night as a teenager. It really is quite eerie and manages to feel incredibly timeless, even today.
The premiere did a great job imo of showing us the Game of Thrones that can still be great with all the flash and pizazz of the big fight scenes… everything with the Hound and also the scene with Arya and the Lannister soldiers had a lot of heart to it.
Off the top of my head, it was Frodo in the first movie after fighting the cave troll, Gandalf and Aragorn in the 2nd, and Faromir on the pyre in the 3rd.
Ah yes…LOTR, the trilogy where anyone can have a fake-out death but actually come back a few scenes later.
Yeah, what makes Lynch great is that he is (almost) never being weird for weirdness' sake. He has a core concept that he is trying to get across through unconventional means. Usually a sensation or idea that could not be told by conventional means.
I guess that's the danger of serialized TV that runs too long…at a certain point, you just get audience burnout. Kind of like this were the 7th sequel to a beloved film series.
YES it's so good. It actually made me want to pick up meditating, which I failed at miserably. But it still gave me so much insight into his creative process.
And not coincidentally, both actors involved in the 69 are nominated for Emmys.
Hardhome was probably the single greatest episode of the show period. S6 definitely had more standout moments on the whole than S5, but man was that episode good.
I think it's just a function of how much plot there is to wrap up and a dwindling amount of time to do it. IMO, season 6 was a great improvement over season 5…i think going on past GRRM's books isn't an issue… but wrapping up a massive fantasy saga is almost always disappointing and anticlimactic (which is why the…
They suck me in with the occasional Glow and Stranger Things, but keep me around with endless episodes of MST3K, Star Trek, X-Files, Buffy etc.
Yeah reddit generally gets a bad rap, but on a lot of topics, it's the best place for discussion, and typically better-moderated and more civil than most official forums. It's also a lot more liberal than it gets credit for… r/politics for example (extremely liberal lean) has far more front-page posts than…
What's neat about the reddit upvote system is how customizable it is. A lot of subreddits remove the downvote button, hide the vote totals, sort by new rather than top etc. I also think that in the decent, respectful subreddits, people don't abuse the downvote feature too hard. It actually helps to push back the troll…
Well, if polling is to be believed, he still has about 40% support, which is a pretty hefty chunk of the populace. Plus there are the folks who support the Republican party platform generally, but disapprove of him personally.
Yeah, I put off watching it for a loooong time, because it sounded insufferable. But damn, did it melt my cynical heart. I don't even really like those actors in other things too, but they both won me over in SLP.
Yeah, Jedi Knight is a bit unforgiving, but you can quick save/load whenever if you take too much damage in a spot.Once you get a lightsaber and force healing powers, it gets way easier.
I pretty much played DAO until I successfully romanced her, and then quit. That was 'beating the game' as far as I'm concerned.
Yeah that's how I felt about it. I like this big, epic high-fantasy RPGs in theory. But when I start getting into them, I find the fantasy worlds too generic and boring. If you want to get my attention these days you need a particular angle that is done really well, like the brooding darkness of Dark Souls, or the…
Don't forget Binding of Isaac. I'm a bit worn out on rogue-likes these days, unless you count Darkest Dungeon, which has totally hooked me.