reformed calvinist

Yeahhh…as much as I hate to question the badassitude of a member of Slayer, some of these movies are kind of not good. But it's always nice to be reminded how fucking good movies like The Exorcist and Hellraiser are, even in our modern desensitized age.

I dunno…while I like both Arcade Fire and Radiohead, I think the main thing that separates them from other indie or alternative stalwarts is their sense of self importance (which critics happen to love). I don't see an objective quality that separates them from the rest of the pack of very good bands. Radiohead does

I don't think it's very useful to give any band this label. For my money though, let's go with umm The Walkmen and Spoon

Ssssh … you're gonna lose all your cred!

I suddenly feel really fucking old. Thanks Hobbes.

Wait a sec… are you saying that seven year olds don't like Tom Waits? Because my weird kids love him

Maybe it's a sign they should just cancel the fucking show already.

SPOILER It's definitely the most intense scene ever where nothing actually happens. Or does it? I think I had to watch it several times in a row to figure out what was being implied. Great movie.

Come to think of it…I've only seen both movies once. And I fucking loved them. So I'm not sure why I haven't seen them again…probably I'm unconsciously a complete fucking wimp.

Can we just assume that "the french…I like the way they think" is an implied response to every thread in this article?

I think they do consider the small states. Then they reject the idea, presumably because the markets aren't worth rolling out in.

Star also given for howling fantods. Just finished IJ... hang in there :D

We truly are living in the Silver Age of commenting.

The Daniel/nerds plotline from this episode should be so corny and cliched, but it isn't. I love every second it gets in this episode, and it definitely makes "Discos and Dragons" one of the top slots in my "best D&D themed episode ever" list. (with "Advanced Dungeons and Dragons," of course)

I thought it was for housewives looking for their next Twilight, but with less pent up sexfulness.

My favorite track is literally every song on the album. It is so good.

Having not yet heard the song, that sounds exactly as expected.

I like the Strokes as much as the next guy (well, probably more actually…since a lot of people hate them), but I wouldn't call their last few albums "rock"…they've definitely entered a Phoenix-y, synthy pop zone.

What REALLY bugs me about the title is that it should read "will be" or "might be" changing multiplayer games. They haven't DONE anything yet. They haven't even been released FFS.

I swear, movie titles make or break most of these non-franchise blockbusters. Maybe in the 80s you could get away with Revenge or Commando, but that doesn't cut it now