reformed calvinist

Temp0 is one of those people that makes the SC2 community so freaking amazing. I kinda feel bad that I don't play the game much anymore, because players are so friendly there compared to almost any other gaming community.

Agreed… kids do not simply "Google" for answers. Instead they tweet "wtf is ___ lol" so they can simultaneously express their ignorance and disdain in public.

Well.. they are both human beings. And male. Hollywood always gets the big picture right…

This is OK, but I think 3eanuts,com is still better. And G-G probably the reigning champ.

when I think Cosplay though, I think of cool anime shit. Not Star Wars The Phantom Menace. So this is a bit of a turn off for me…

Eminem is not very good. 50 cent is not very good. Queen latifah is not very good…..

If Skyler and Walt Jr were more interesting characters….well, I guess the show would be a bit richer. But I'm not sure there would be room for them to have sideplots and whatnot.

I don't know which came first, but quite frankly it would be the other way around regardless.

this article is strangely unnecessary. I've been calling Breaking Bad overrated for awhile, but I'm not about to write some bitter thinkpiece over it. Plus tonight's episode was pretty damn solid.

agreed… I don't care what happens in a FOTC movie or why. I will watch the crap out of it.

well..not racist anymore

I would totally like to play an MMORPG someday, but I'm worried that they're too much like jRPGs where you press X to attack, wait for next turn, repeat until enemies are dead. Then run into the next random encounter, repeat ad nauseum. I like everything else about those games, just not the combat, which is like 90%

More like some amazing GAY amirite?

With all-time classics like Ziggy I think it's easy to get burned out listening to all the back to back hits. Which is why some people start gravitating to the quirkier and less predictable works like Aladdin Sane.

they all kick fucking ass. what else do you need?

After all the years of Breaking Bad, I forgot what a goof Cranston is. Which is weird, because after all the years of Malcolm in the Middle, when BBad aired, I hadn't realized he was capable of NOT being a goof. *mind explodes*

then they wouldn't be a company that specializes in a completely obsolete format.

See I loved D9 but the trailer for this looked bad. Plus I have no inclination to ever see Matt Damon in a movie. So I'm pretty torn…

I knew as soon as I typed that that someone would give me crap :D

agreed…the last truly menacing doctor was Eccelston.