reformed calvinist

carry on, internet

even though she's wearing a huge bradley cooper?

give it a 3rd chance…it's more about the visuals, anyhow. i actually fall asleep during a lot of movies/tv, so i don't really consider that a standard of whether or not they're good. i think fell asleep 1/2way through pulp fiction the first time i saw it..

give it a 3rd chance…it's more about the visuals, anyhow. i actually fall asleep during a lot of movies/tv, so i don't really consider that a standard of whether or not they're good. i think fell asleep 1/2way through pulp fiction the first time i saw it..

12 monkeys is ridiculously light on action and slow-paced…I bet a lot of people at the time were chomping at the bit for a willis/pitt sci fi action movie and then were pretty taken aback by what they got

12 monkeys is ridiculously light on action and slow-paced…I bet a lot of people at the time were chomping at the bit for a willis/pitt sci fi action movie and then were pretty taken aback by what they got

yes.. if your measure of success is the nerd-outrage-o-meter, then prometheus was a failure. by any other objective standard, it was fine.

yes.. if your measure of success is the nerd-outrage-o-meter, then prometheus was a failure. by any other objective standard, it was fine.

yes, between Drive, Half Nelson, Lars, and Blue Valentine he's already more than redeemed himself for the Notebook (which he wasn't bad in, it's just a shitty movie)

yeah, but I doubt the babies on this show will be drinking booze or playing with handguns, so…

yeah, but I doubt the babies on this show will be drinking booze or playing with handguns, so…

i jumped on the lost bandwagon way late…after suffering through 4 seasons of heroes to be exact! so with that frame of reference, every fucking episode of Lost was pure tv goodness for me. even shit like Stranger in a Strange Land didn't seem that bad..

i jumped on the lost bandwagon way late…after suffering through 4 seasons of heroes to be exact! so with that frame of reference, every fucking episode of Lost was pure tv goodness for me. even shit like Stranger in a Strange Land didn't seem that bad..

so much wrong with this

Doctor Who does have a lot of standout bad episodes for such a good show. i'd pick love and monsters by a wide margin, though i know it has its defenders

hey i'm a guy with kids I take issue with that— *looks at screenshot* *buys life insurance* *kills self*

hey i'm a guy with kids I take issue with that— *looks at screenshot* *buys life insurance* *kills self*

just when we thought Hayden Panitinerrierre was dead…she's back for more!

just when we thought Hayden Panitinerrierre was dead…she's back for more!

NO. But did you read the Bruce Colville book series…because they rocked!