
This all sounds psychotic. As in, I have a brother who displays the same kind of behaviour. He no longer recognizes reality, or the fact that human beings have thier own wants & needs, independant of what he thinks they are.

“We take the GMO out of ‘Glock 9mm.’”

Tig Notaro is waiting by the phone.

He may be boinking those kids on that farm. 

That farm full of guns is being blown out of proportion.  Those guns are being farmed purely for food, it's straight from the farm to your plate, they can't hurt anyone.

This part is super frustrating. Ezra Miller’s really ruining things for the millions of non-binary people who aren’t abusive, psychotic assholes.

Moves are currently being made to salvage it.

I’m just going to come out and say it:

I really don’t understand this marketing campaign for The Flash.

I loved it when it came out. There were some interesting mechanics: for example, Tony Montana would absolutely refuse to shoot any unarmed civilian on the street (supposedly, this was a directive from Al Pacino himself as a condition for his participation). You could point the gun at them, but if you pressed the

Never takes long for a Musk bro to show up and post something cringy and hilarious.   

this is the first in a series of conversations which ends with them trying to get the colonies back

I can’t say I mind Olivia Colman being in everything, tho

This is a widespread problem, but it always struck me as much less of a problem in British media than elsewhere. When your culture venerates a nonagenarian queen, it tends to have a little less emphasis on whatever the young hotness happens to be.

Agreed. When Frank left, so did I. I like Mike and Joel equally.

Ya know, I’m cool with whichever anyone’s favorite host is. I prefer the kinder, gentler humor of the Joel/Jonah years, but I get it that some people prefer the meaner, sharper edge of the Mike years.

It’s all good.

Although I admit that I only buy the Bridget/Mary Jo Rifftrax.

Reading through this, it seems like there’s some parallels between the Movie and the Netflix run in terms of a lot of upper interference - “The movies need to be short - cut them below 80 minutes. And they all need to be in color. Squeeze in as many riffs as quickly possible. We need to make it ‘bingeable’ - give next

Its good that even in its presently diminished state, AV Club can still put out the occasional informative and enjoyable article about something I care about.

It still baffles me that Universal interfered so heavily with a project they were spending so little on, and which they ended up just dumping anyway. It makes a little more sense when you read that nobody at Best Brains really knew how to run interference, but a damn shame. Like they had to cut a lot out of the movie

At the same time I feel a really horrible film wouldn’t have worked for a theoretical mass audience. Episodes like Monster A-Go-Go and Hobgoblins are really for the people already on board with the concept. It made sense for them to pick one that’s just a little bit goofy and weird.

Everything else aside, This Island Earth just wasn’t a great choice, because Mike era comedy—especially during the Sci-Fi run—just didn’t work so well with earnest, well-intentioned 1950s movies. Mike period humor just got progressively meaner as the show went on and worked best with hateful shit* like Merlin or