
Let me start by saying that Marvel and DC should have changed their pay/rights structures a long time ago to better benefit the creators responsible for their ongoing success.

I love these creators and wish they would get some kind of compensation proportional to what they’ve created, but honestly there’s just no way he didn’t know the score in this post-Kirby, post-Siegel & Schuster, post-LAST 30 YEARS OF CREATOR-OWNED-COMICS world.

Once again, i09 has discovered and is offended by the reality of work-for-hire employment. Brubaker didn’t create Winter Soldier in some dark age of intellectual property rights, he did it in 2005 - more than a decade after Image Comics was founded. He knew what he was signing on for. If he didn’t want to forfeit

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Then we will truly be freeeeeeeeee to fly hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh

As long as this means i can get an affordable copy of Macross Plus on Blu Ray, i am happy.

I’ve always said Scream 4 was top tier in the Scream series. I love it!

Blackie is such an interesting character! she has this powerful femme fatale energy the first time she shows up on the series, it really comes across like she has complete agency and confidence. and then as the One Eyed Jack’s arc goes on, you realise that she’s just as under the thumb of all these despicable men,

Rifftrax does a Kickstarter every year.

So if you’re calling Joel bad at business, what are they?

I am a big consumer of both MST3K and Rifftrax, and definitely agree that they have different identities. Rifftrax is really purely about the riffing, in the early going their concept was that they wouldn’t even pay for the rights to the movie, they’d just release an audio track that you’d sync to the movie. And that

I feel like that jarring tone was what made the original Ghostbusters work. I mean, even just the library scene:

We know from the pre-credits scene that there’s ‘something’ in the library, and there’s a creepy dread as the team inspects the wreckage. Venkman quips through it with jokes about snot (the original

Jesus, two years later and I’m never going to stop feeling vicariously embarrassed by people calling Captain Marvel’s 90 seconds of air force content that’s entirely about how they’re a bunch of misogynist pricks ‘military propaganda’.

Do people realize how harmful it is to read sex into every friendly relationship? Fanfic is mostly fun and innocent but stuff like this that attempts to read this into everything as if it’s important is really bad. It’s really, really important to have queer characters! It’s ALSO really, really important to have

Queerbaiting is a thing. Diluting it with articles like this is a problem.

As much as I enjoy this site, they are amongst the worst offenders when it comes to that.

Literally any piece of art showing male friendship:

Man, this is a weird article. While I certainly never thought of Bucky and Steve together and the only dates or romantic interests we’ve ever seen him have were women, I would certainly buy Bucky as gay or bisexual man if they choose to go that way. But the scenes referenced in this article for he and Sam were not

I mean, it’s not bait at all. There’s nothing there. This article just proposes fanfic by people who are understandably desperate for mainstream representation.

More like Middledick!

i once played “bucky” in a play about comic books! it was a story about captin america battling a female communist agent. i had prosthetic buck teeth!