
“Chaotic good” as how I described Agatha last week, and her trajectory during this episode just hammers that home for me. There’s still a lot of the sassy-neighbor-next-door and hammy villain in the beginning of the episode, but by the end (for me) her words register as more the righteous indignation of a learned

Is it wrong that I thought of Blanchett’s equally compelling turn as the villain in Mrs America first?

Agreed, 100%. One of the great things about the way that they’ve approached depicting Agatha is that, even if I’m right and she ultimately turns out to be good, it’s given Hahn a chance to ham it up as a villain. I think that she’s giving Cate Blanchett a run for her money (and that’s saying something, because I loved

I mean, even taking Wanda out would accomplish a net good, though it’s also done on mercenary terms. Kidnapping and threatening Wanda’s children is definitionally bad, but so too is kidnapping an entire town in your grief. I think, and suspect, she might be trying to act on the greater good. That said, Kathryn Hahn

I keep going back to that moment in the previous episode when Agatha, watching from her window, doesn’t intervene in Wanda’s showdown with Monica until the latter says “Don’t let [Hayward] make you the villain, and Wanda replies, “Maybe I already am”. In the basement and in her theme song, Agatha hams it up, almost

I’m ready to be proven wrong, but I’m not sure Dottie is going to turn out to be anything. I get that she’s a genre actress we all recognize, but I kind of think it might just be a case of a minor actress getting a minor role on the show.

The last few scenes with Agatha did give me that feeling at times, but I am not trying to get my hopes up. 

S.W.O.R.D. Director Tyler Haywood (Josh Stamberg) is a more banal villain than Agatha, likely because he doesn’t have a viral theme song. However, he’s no less sadistic.

Debra Wilson was easily one of the best performers on that show, always consistent and commited, and if there was any justice in the world she’d be a huge star today.

Birds of Prey being better than Suicide Squad is like having your neck snapped being better than burning alive.

I remember when people liked Joss Whedon’s work. I know that people have problems with him personally, but how did that translate into this presumption that he is incompetent and doesn’t know what he’s doing? Is Buffy not a good show anymore? Am I not supposed to enjoy an Angel rerun?

Put me down for liking the first Thor, especially the fish out of water stuff.

David Lynch already made this announcement before. He did it in your house. Don’t you remember? He’s there right now.

I’d still love to hear more specific details about the specific behavior (or even comments). If for no other reason than to lend a credibility hand to his complaints and help him out.

He has implied this from nearly the beginning. But he hasn’t said anything specific and he still hasn’t.

I would say we have never really had an update.  It’s been the same nebulous story from the very beginning and nothing really ahs changed.

Jesus Christ with this shit...STILL? Fuck sake...

Right from the jump he neuters his own argument by saying he was fired from The Flash, then jumps to a month ago when he publicly said he would never work on another project that Hamada was a part of, which is him which is it? Did he quit or was he fired?

Oh, thank all the gods of Hollywood that Fisher’s OK. It’s been several days since we’ve had yet another update on this very important issue, and I was afraid that maybe something had happened to him.

I suspect he’s living in a bubble of Snyder fanboys, who currently hang on his every word as an extension of their true hero, but will probably move on once Zack Snyder’s Justice League is done in order to focus on Army of the Dead and whatever Ayn Rand adaptation the great man can finally get off the ground.

I continue to wonder how Ray Fisher thinks this is going to end up for him? I wonder how many people around him are imploring him to drop it and get on with his life? I wonder if he has anyone around him anymore? Clearly he is counting on the Snyder Cut to raise his profile and show everyone how great he is at