
The attitude I’ve usually seen about this story is the people who feel Fisher should be given the benefit of the doubt don’t extend that to anyone besides Fisher. I’d be more apt to be in his corner if he’d originally come out with the a statement detailed occurrences and not a Trumpian “I was treated poorly” vague

I’ll take your word for it on the Whedon/Marsters thing. Didn’t watch Buffy back in the day, so this is literally the first I’m hearing about that.

I mean, let’s just say it; he can “refuse” all he wants, but regardless of what actually happened, after this whole clusterfuck he was never gonna be working in the DCEU/at Warner ever again anyway.

When you’ve already burned the bridge, sometimes it’s best to go back and destroy the pylons, the abutments, and the road leading to the chasm.

This comes with the usual caveat that Fisher may well be totally right about all of this and if actual supporting details come to light, I’ll be first in line to eat crow on all my doubts.

I’m starting to think Ray Fisher has mental health issues. I’m not his therapist or anything, I just think there’s something off about the way he keeps talking about all of this mistreatment without going into specifics. Maybe Hamada, Snyder, and/or Whedon were dicks to him. If he’s willing to jeopardize his career by

As someone who has followed WB relatively closely the past few decades, their bosses being colossal fuck-ups isn’t anything new, even pre-AT&T buying them out.

I am left now with the distinct impression that the cast of Justice League created a very toxic work environment for Joss Whedon.

Oh great, more vague accusations about this shitshow.  Sure would be nice to know what specifically happened, but I guess that’s too much to ask.  

Like, I believe that Fisher had a bad time on Justice League and that he probably has some legitimate grievances with Whedon, but there's really no way to read this other than him trying to frame the fact he was already never going to be cast in another DC film as some kind of moral stand. 

Why would anyone be disinclined to believe Ray Fisher? He has generated so much public good will and trust over his many, many years in the business.

I personally hypothesize (And I 100% nothing to back this on, this is just my opinion. Fisher has been way to vague to confirm one way or another if his accusations are in good faith or not.) that this is Fisher being mad that basically everything Snyder-related is being scrapped from the DCEU.

I get the impression Snyder is VERY forgiving of actors who can’t act while Whedon isn’t.

Yeah this definitely seems more like the guy just didn’t like the process and environment of working on a major studio film rather than anything specifically racial. Until he can give some specifics besides “Whedon is an jerky asshole and WB let him be one” then he doesn’t have much to go on

While I’m inclined to believe a black actor calling out shitty behavior, can’t he at least elaborate just a little? What is anybody supposed to do with any of this? 

Are they credible and supported? I’m not convinced that’s really true.

If this was coming from an actor with a long history it would be more relevant. Ray Fisher appears to have only done Justice League and a few episodes of True Detective. Justice league was basically his first job in Hollywood. I can’t imagine DC or WB give a shit about him one way or the other. If anything this will

I dunno. Asshole take or not, this guy simply doesn’t have the clout to make anyone care whether he ever acts in anything ever again. Ever.

Remember, Hamada’s involvement in all of this amounts to nothing more than reminding Ray Fisher that actors are not entitled to script re-writes and that those decisions are ultimately up to the director of the project.

Seriously though, is there a demand in any way for Ray Fisher to be in more stuff?