
Multiple bad David Bowie covers? How many? By whom? Are they all of “Heroes”? I’m more intrigued by that notion than I am by this movie!

There’s an in-game ad of a woman with a large bulge in a fairly standard “sex sells soft drinks” ad, and the Twitter account did a “Did you assume my gender?” joke.

im just asking whats in it and if its right for me shrug.

If your reason is paranoia about things like the hunt for Bin Laden or the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, then sure, let’s talk. If it’s skepticism about the science of vaccinations, then you’re an idiot who is contributing to people dying. If you’re anti-vax because Bill Gates “stands to profit from it greatly” or

Eh, if you choose to spread dangerous misinformation about the deadly pandemic sweeping across the world and about vaccines in general, sorry, you deserve to be canceled. Like, I can’t think of a more justifiable reason for canceling somebody. Also, people need to fuck off with the “just asking questions” bullshit.

The whole “Obama started the detention facilities” line was always conservative bullshit. Now Obama failed immigration, but the administration failed in its choice to deport so many people. Under Obama, children were separated ONLY when they suspected the children were being smuggled in and made every effort to

That would be some priceless shit... start by replanting roses in the rose garden, a new barbecue and make sure Obama is seen lounging around the White House frequently.

I can’t wait for the Obamas to be able to set foot in the White House again as Biden’s honored guests. Joe and Barack gonna be having cookouts on the lawn every weekend. I can’t wait

That Claremont novel is one of the few times where I’ve put a book down and thought, “What in the ever-loving fuck am I reading?”

Not to worry they are covered on the Avenegers carrier network. not like thats ever been infiltrated before.

I hope Peter and Miles use encrypted text messages... They're both talking about being Spiderman like it's no biggie.

Whaaaaaaat? Zack doesn’t care for a new episode of post-Enterprise Star Trek? I never would have guessed!

Going by your own mention that you already seem to not be into this season or episode because they didn’t give you the story of your preference, this really seems quite unlikely. Please, do prove me wrong though.

I am not one of the better angels of society when someone has done me or mine wrong. Fuck them. And fuck this bloated piece of shit and his rent-to-purchase ho ass wife. “I don’t care, do you?” About your? No I don’t bitches. Y’all can’t die fast enough. Best case: he does a Herman Cain and rolls to the promise land

herman cain was double D DEAD in two short weeks

Imagine paying upwards of $250K just to catch a potentially fatal and debilitating disease.

My favorite of hers in that movie (and possibly the entire series) is her suddenly running into Bond at that ski resort. He’s alone, desperate and hunted - then looks up and sees a virtual angel saying his name with the perfect mixture of surprise, pleasure and amusement. That’s the exact moment he fell for her, even

Now playing

My most loved image of her is in the car chase from On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, with a look on her face that screams “My entire life has been leading to this.” Tracy was also a remarkably proactive Bond girl for the time, never hesitating to get in on the action and even killing a guy in quite memorable fashion du