
Then it’s simply profoundly different standards for plot and character, I’m afraid. (And congratulations for seeing the Troughton eps but many of us have, myself included.)

You have a very limited frame of reference of this show.


I’ve been watching it for 30 years, it’s a little late to back out, lol. And as to your other comment, well, I guess one of us doesn’t watch enough TV. There’s the state of the art and then there’s cruising altitude. This is the latter, and that’s putting it charitably. It is nowhere near the heights of the last two

You guess wrong.

Uhhhhh, agree to disagree.

Have you met Chris Chibnall?

Chris Chibnall has got to go.

I don’t give a fuck about this movie but equating Hart having a mistress to Kavanaugh is a wild-ass reach.

And yet

They made the Becky/Darlene future questions a big part of last season, too - Darlene got Crystal’s old casino job with full benefits to take care of her kids while still writing at night, while she turned Becky on to an adult education hotel management course and pushed her to go after it. That is the most this show

The show is now clearly writing Mark as gay, though the young character obviously has not fully processed that himself yet. Which is common.

Having Crystal/Natalie West in the very first scene with the family as they downed all the food from well-wishers was a shock and very important to me.

It was great.



LOL, what? I’m not arguing, I know a bit about the new character and the script so I wanted to clarify. There is nothing remotely argumentative or antagonistic in either of my messages. Chill out.

It is definitely not the same character.

Kier’s role in the original is actually very small.

Yeah, they’ve had the knives out for awhile. It’s stupid and unnecessary.