

No, I’m just honest. Shape of Water and Crimson Peak are excellent but Pacific Rim is one of GDT’s worst films, and until those last two he was having a rough run the last decade. Not everything he touched turned to gold.

The former about the director is true, though I don’t know if RTD backed him (I expect so). The latter in your second paragraph is old PR spin and complete bullshit.

Are we done pretending the original was good yet?

I am amazed this is the only forum that seems shocked by this and didn’t already know this shit.

He’s spoken about it a number of times, but the fandom has had the stories about him being particularly angry during the filming block with “Aliens of London”/”World War III” and how it was handled by the producers, how the crew/extras were treated, etc. The director of those episodes never worked on the show again.

It’s actually very well known in fandom that this is what happened. io9 commentariat is behind the times.

Judging by most of these comments most of you guys are literally the last to know about Eccleston’s falling-out with Davies, etc. because of how things were handled in the first filming block, which was a debacle. That’s not his fault, it’s the production’s. This knowledge has been in online fan circles for years.


That’s all 100% true. But as a larger question, sets being fraught with raw nerves and tension at times is never going to change. That doesn’t make every director an abuser or martinet, but it’s part of the sausage making of the long hours and tremendous expenditure. In the best cases when the work is done, everyone

And I see no evidence her propriety wasn’t.

Again: The (relatively young) showrunners and cast appear to have a rapport and comfort level with each other as part of an ongoing months/years-long production, a lot of which can be seen in those BTS interviews with many of them - the Sadie Sink one has been parsed and interpreted to death, so we’re probably not

It’s very, very common on set for tensions to flare and occasionally insults to get hurled back and forth. And that will never change no matter who’s on a set.

I think there’s a big difference between teasing/being teased by a co-worker you have a comfort level with and maliciously fucking with them for sport or “art”. According to Sink it was the former.

I go by the kid’s words. You do what you like.

By some accounts she is the daughter of another member of the crew. The facts beyond there get hazy at best.

No - it’s a sign that stuff changes on the fly on TV and film all the time, and according to the actor she had a comfort level with the showrunners where it ultimately was not an actual issue, just something they brought up in jest and the Internet briefly ran with. Until the actor corrected the record.

One, actually. Good luck telling the girls to shut the fuck up so you can flex on Kinja.

Cool link. I watched the show and disagree.

Do you understand how often developments like this change on-set regardless of a production, and how the young actor said she was ultimately fine with it?