
I mean, sure; you’re certainly welcome to try and rework what she said to fit your thesis of the adult showrunners somehow being “the boys with their crushes” preying on the girls. That’s not what she said when she was actually talking about her literal immature young costars, but go off.

Okay, but here’s the facts: Shit like that gets changed on-set a lot if someone decides it suits the material (as, it can be argued and I would agree, Max and Lucas kissing did). On films and sometimes on TV. It’s not uncommon at all. Failing some kind of horrific Last Tango in Paris situation it’s almost never part

Yeah, and it’s exactly what I said.

What Millie Brown said is sometimes the young boy castmembers being too much typical young boys on-set got wearisome, and that’s when she would go to hang with Winona. Hardly the same thing as what you’re poorly implying.

So as I said above, the talking point goes from ‘let’s empower this young girl who I feel must have been abused for titillation’ to ‘this young girl doesn’t know shit vs. my uninformed take’.

At which point the new talking point weirdly became, ‘she’s a little girl, she doesn’t know shit’.

There’s a big difference between tensions running high and people getting raw on a high pressure set - which happens with everyone from Steven Spielberg to David Lynch to Kathryn Bigelow - and targeting and abusing women. Based on these anecdotes I don’t see much legit evidence of the latter. I reserve the right to


Grady Hendrix is the best.

Tim Hunter directed the legendary River’s Edge, and was also a recurring director on Twin Peaks.

Can’t we just fast forward to 5-10 years from now when their star’s waned and he or a family member or the ‘Team 10 crew’ start dying off like the Jackass gang

I’m ready for Cthulhu to just take us tbh

He absolutely is.

I don’t, especially since they institutionalized it with how they handled not only this customer, but also Faraci, and god knows who else. And no, they haven’t stepped aside. Yet.

There’s gradients of moral compromise, and then there’s supporting a chain that’s enabled sexual predators for years in a systemic pattern while you enjoy feeling catered to as a geek. Alamo is just one of many other spaces offered to us, many of which don’t make marginalizing assault and harassment a staple of their

I’m just waiting to see how long it takes Woke Film Twitter to address this story, since many of them (hi, Jen Yamato) were desperate to run away from this and excuse Alamo last fall.

It’s a fucking movie theater.

De-lurking to ask: It took you guys this long to re-read your coverage and figure this out? Every single article about both games has read exactly the same for several years - problems, failures, not much of a game but gosh that PvP! Maybe they’ll get it right this time! If only there was a story or characters!

As did I - I am not a Del Toro cultist but I think Shape may be his best English language film. (I also am one of few who really liked Crimson Peak, while finding Pacific Rim quite bad and Pan’s Labyrinth and the Hellboy films overrated so I may be insane.)

Actually, I don’t think Three Billboards remotely cares if it is viewed as “woke”.