
I didn’t like that either and didn’t expect much from Three Billboards. To my amazement it is excellent.

It is actually great.

It may not have been underlined in song, but I think he learned a lot from his commander’s last words to him as well as how he got handled by Clarke Peters’ character - not immediately but over time. It registered through performance for me, not reams of dialogue. As well as his hospital scene with Caleb Landry Jones.

Did we watch the same film?

It’s an inconvenient, uncomfortable movie about uncomfortable people who can be very ugly to each other and leave a lot unresolved. You are supposed to feel uncomfortable finding humanity in Rockwell because of how viscerally loathsome he was for the first half - I know I was uncomfortable. I also know it all felt

Maybe people are just no longer as interested in a drunken human wildebeest’s attempts to “pour his heart out” to explain his grotesque RL behavior as they used to be. It’s not as cute when it’s not explicated via gimmick episode starring Joel McHale or Alison Brie.

It’s not news, but that doesn’t make it okay. That’s what he seems to implicitly count on: The fact that it’s “not news.” Even if he critiques himself first that doesn’t mean he’s done paying for his behavior.

It’s a shield. He “calls himself out” which inoculates him in the minds of his fanbase against further criticism about being a belligerent, gross asshole. “Hey, he admits it!”

Bright was rewritten by David Ayer, he says for the third and final time in this comments section.

He didn’t write the final version.

David Ayer rewrote the whole movie.

I cried

The prequels are really subpar films. This isn’t just an opinion foisted on the outside world by insular nerds, it’s literally the popular opinion in the world at large. You growing up with them doesn’t make your feelings about them any more valid (or invalid) than the feelings of your fellow (because yes, you are one

Uh, yeah.

I loved Season 11. Thrilled.

Why are you viscerally uncomfortable to the point of willful denial with a little white girl and a little black boy having an innocent schoolyard romance, as was very clearly depicted on Netflix’s Stranger Things 2, which debuted on October 27th at 12AM EST?

Oh, sorry this is late: Quick answer, all of them, ending with them dancing and kissing in episode 8. Followed by the cast and crew discussing “Max and Lucas’ romance” in aftershow episodes.

Bad take OP

No, I’m suggesting your preemptive dismissal of any response she may give indicates you have no interest in how this little girl actually feels or her agency vs. you being the loudest voice in an Internet comments section.

Okay. Good luck telling Sadie Sink how she really feels in future.