Showtime revealed Lynch vetoed their meticulously planned marketing campaign. They presented a ton of stuff for it, he complimented their efforts but said they would only do it his way.
Showtime revealed Lynch vetoed their meticulously planned marketing campaign. They presented a ton of stuff for it, he complimented their efforts but said they would only do it his way.
Grace Zabriskie did take press shots for the NY Times with Don Murray (Bushnell) but I think that is largely coincidental. OTOH, who knows…
I don't think so.
More than anything it's what makes me want more Twin Peaks, just to get more of them hanging out together in the diner and so on, even after all these years, while also dealing with modernity (iPads, computers at the sheriff station, etc). It felt very natural for them to spend time with Bobby, etc. I am not really…
I think it's a lot more sinister than that, based on what he said to her tonight about ending her story.
I'm in no rush. Good luck with that Reasoned Debate between Men of Principle though!
Take it up with the mods in a few hours/minutes, slugger.
I think it may have a touch of Lynch's personal commentary, but i think it was also more classically soapy like the original Ed/Norma storyline, while also being another comment in the new show on times changing - the Double R franchising itself to survive, but Norma struggling to keep the old standards upheld. That…
terrifying screech
For one, there's Louie the wacky Great Northern clerk who told Ben Horne all about famous food critic MT Wentz!
No, there's a couple more.
I don't think it is. IIRC that station was in New Mexico or Nevada. But the parallel was deliberate IMO.
Not likely
You can navigate the website like an adult to educate yourself. Regardless, the mods will take care of it in short order and perhaps you can go somewhere else and - I don't know, post Ray Donovan spoilers or something in a GOT thread while claiming it's really an allegory for rational thought and reasoned debate in a…
2/10. The problem is you don't have a perspective, be it contrary or mainstream. All you're doing is randomly posting spoilers from an unrelated TV show, which is against the rules. A bot can do that. Next time, come as you are.
I think if they haven't attacked now they're not gonna. Critics seem to love his performance and while there's always going to be a contingent of angry fans, nobody is really arguing that MacLachlan isn't doing the work of his career here.
More of an unavoidable fact really, which is why your post will be deleted soon. All the best.
Yeah, the merits are it's basic site rules not to come into a completely different show thread to spoil another one. End of debate.
I was foolin but I feel you
Oh, fuck off. You're in a completely different TV show thread trolling and your lame-ass goto is "the SJWs"?