
What was Lynch's inappropriate behavior in the work environment? Writing scenes in which Gordon Cole kissed Shelly Johnson?
I'm concerned for her agency because you don't seem to have any legitimate interest in what Madchen Amick actually feels and believes vs. how you are simply commandeering her for an Internet

Because she very very very clearly doesn't have the problem with Lynch or the material you do, and you're insinuating that she's actually lying despite reams of personal evidence you clearly aren't interested in acknowledging (thus making Amick's own agency incidental and irrelevant), and that we ought to all have

This is a complaint I would suggest you reserve for Madchen Amick's Twitter DMs.

Again: Madchen keeps a tight personal relationship with Lynch which is easily verifiable based on many interviews and social media posts, and she is always eager to see him again for any Twin Peaks related activities prior to The Return. This is stuff you can examine for yourself. It exists. If it doesn't fit your

Because Madchen (like Naomi Watts, like Laura Dern, etc.) has kept a close friendship and association IRL with Lynch for decades, and jumps at the chance to work with him, see him, spend time with him, gush about him to the press, be involved in literally any Twin Peaks retrospective, BTS special, DVD extra, etc. over

Madchen doesn't seem to mind.

Albert stands around exasperated with people for at least 50-60% of the original series.

Any beautiful women who would want to spend time with David Lynch are obviously prostitutes… is not the take I expected from recognitions, but here we are.

All of those things are, as I said, very similar to Lil in Fire Walk with Me - a convoluted story between two FBI agents, exaggerated behavior and almost no speaking.

I read those drafts. That's not in there.

Her behavior and Cole's longwinded description of her to Albert also closely resembled the use of "Lil" in Fire Walk with Me. Lil was used as a bizarre mute/mostly mute device to convey secret information through exaggerated physical movement.

Based on…. what

Twin Peaks

Albert was involved with the mystical elements before the Laura Palmer case, skeptic or not.

Despite all that drama, she's said she loved what she ended up doing.

It's something I think is possible but I cannot expect it. And as is, the current series was written and produced as being a closed-ended story.

17 + 18 are airing on the same night.

That house will never not be scary to me.

You can make a case for 12 if you want, but what was wrong with parts 9-11?

Tim Goodman is an outlier. He has hated it since before it aired while claiming Legion preempted its place in pop culture. When he got embarrassed by the reaction to the new series he sulked and refused to watch it for a month, and has been openly 'hatewatching it' since. Confirmation bias.