
I was so good Incredible s probably thought they had it in the bag

I'll get to A Star Is Born eventually but there is no way GaGa can look at Meryl and Olivia Coleman's body of work and think she has a chance. 

I love Spike Lee, I have been a fan since Do the right thing and still remember how watching Malcolm X required two VHS tapes. I never said he didnt deserve to be nominated, or that it was bad. However his movie, Vice, anc BoRhap were just okay. I’d argue that many of his films were much better e.g. Miracle at St.

For me : 1) Infinity Wars 2) Winter Soldier 3) Iron Man 4) Black Panther 5) Thor Ragnarock 6) Civil War 7) Avengers 1, i’ll stop there.

I haven’t had a chance to see if Beal Street could Talk as yet but I’m 100% sure it was snubbed because they were afraid of the competition because it would have easily one best movie. Vice, Blakkklansmen, and Bohemian Rhapsody were average at best. Malik was great as Mercury bet it was like a TV mini series they

Comes in brown skin... 😒. Is being black customizable now. Plus black people are knowledge full enough to debate the pros and cons of a candidate in addition to added benefit of them being of color. We’ll see indeed.

What do you mean by “symbolism”. Who would like to see run then..

I rotated at the VA in training and the vets were always my favourite patients because they were always kind and humuerous. Watching this man cry and still have hopeful words for those wutless children enrage s me.

There was great one on NPR that was broken down by language 

Fox’s X-Men do not fit in the MCU continuity (and vice versa)


That’s where she’s going wrong, she thinks her being Storm is a foregone conclusion. She knows her contract is over, and therefore the only leverage would be overwhelming fan support so all this evidence to the contrary has her in her feelings.

No was initially hating on her. Since the first xmen movie people constantly talked about how great having a dark skinned Storm would be (plus she’s mainly depicted as such). Shipp in her ego decided what this really meant was they specifically didn’t want her to be Storm because she’s not “black enough” .The problem

I havnt seen this version but I dont think white managers promoting black artists necessarily fits into the white saviour trope, because then Straight Outta Compton etc would also apply which it doesn’t. What I was wondering was if it would even be the same movie at all with Beyonce as the lead. 

Did you know that Bradley wanted to cast Beyonce before Gaga

I didnt bother with old boy and i couldn’t even make it half way through secret in their eyes. Point of no return was decent in its own right, but when I finally saw Nikita I was like man they took all the fun out of it. Beat Takeshi is awesome and I enjoyed Brother a lot, he’s great in Sonatine and Battle Royal as

Yeah black servant improves everyone's life but their own for minimum wage is definitely Hollywood drama porn. I have a feeling this film will be largely ignored and sending Kevin out there seems to be backfiring. US remakes of foreign films are always trash anyway (e.g Point of No Return, Old Boy, Secret in Their

I imagine he’s probably caused his PR people to start day drinking. As an aside people could just watch the original movie if they want their Driving Ms Daisy with The Help fix., Its rated 40 on IMDB which means its probably very good and and the trivia says it made

Strollers are definitely the 7th seal.

The more I read your posts, the more I notice you never actually comment on what is actually discussed in the article, but instead prattle on with these ridiculous border line satyrical tangents. Working on some performance art of your own perhaps...