What killed me was the collateral damage to Tyga.
What killed me was the collateral damage to Tyga.
I cant tell you exactly when and what show, but that is definitely Tiffany “New York” Pollard’s mother.
She’s mentioning things but also not saying anything at all
I dismissed your post because the loquaciousness has a circuitous and repetitive component that leads me to believe you’re not into discussion only soliloquy, and you can reply to yourself for that. I end with this (credit to Roo sez)
Dont forget Donald Trump wouldn’t be president if black people voted, but Black Panther isn’t one of the highest grossing films because of “just” black people. We are both nothing and everything when it suits.
The obsessive focus on the symptoms instead of the disease is pathological at this point. All this sympathy for the devil is why nothing changes.
I hope they get funds, but what is she going to do next year.
Its always amusing when people who lack integrity ‘s first move is always to question yours. These racists are like Turturo 's character begging Gabriel Byrne at the end of Miller's Crossing. How about they go first, I'll wait.
Right, where has this man been. The myriad of confirmation hearings for this administration has been a manifesto to failing upward and being out of your depth and beyond “scope of practice”. Trump and his ilk are literally preaching the gospel of mediocrity, how you going to go against your own ministry.
Understanding context requires critical thinking skills and empathy/sympathy, so these people will continue to miss the point because they just don’t have the depth of knowledge or they are willfully ignorant.
True accountability can only come from our impartial judicial system
Peroxide should get rid of the blood
What about the part where the document took principles from theIroquois Nation 's Great law of Peace. Your trolling is simp le, trite, and boring. 2\10 dont quit your day job.
Let’s see, according to wikipedia I left off somehwere in the Dark Tournament saga.
I never got to finish YYH because it was before there was regular reliable streaming on the internet. I do love it and there are actually a lot of familiar archetypes and elements that are in HxH. For instance Lerio and Knuckle embody a lot of what made Kuwabara a fun character. Plus they remade it to update the…
side, side note. The creator of YYH also created Hunter x Hunter (one of the greatest shonen mangas\anime ever), and is married to Sailor Moon’s creator.
Exactly. G’ma or granpa got some splainin’ to do. Also if he got 18% can you imagine the results if mom or dad took the test.
It seems to me like he had a real issue being reminded that he wasn’t the cracker he saw in the mirror.
18% is not insignificant. There is a story to tell in his family for sure, but something tells me he’s not interested in finding out what that entails.
aka Enh? or the more bougie version: excuse?