
“Dag”, “kick”, “I do like I do, “ain’t”

No prob. As an aside I do otherwise enjoy your posts, bygones.

Well is a premade meme, so maybe not discredit but definitely deflect. Your need to respond to mangoselassie’s post with “facts about society as a whole” instead of addressing the specific point the poster made is essence of “whataboutism”, because you decided their post needed some kind of adjunct or footnote when it

okay. “larger issues” are important, but the devil is also in the details.

He looks like Tan Mom. What exactly about this picture with the color contacts and the stupid grill ins’t the veriest farce. Any person who isn’t black puting on make up to look black is “black face”, there are no levels to it.

The last time I saw Jay was in ‘03 and he was the headliner (with Freeway/Memphis/Beenie cameos) plus Busta, Missy, and 50cent. I think we sat maybe 5th row and it was about 65 dollars. I understand inflation is a thing but 230 for JUST JayZ, I only pay that kind of money for all-inclusive parties.

This is what vexes me the most about all this modesty nonsense. They tell the same story they’ve been telling for centuries now, you internalize and reinforce it harming yourself and others and pass it on and still THERE IS NO BENEFIT.

I love Rashida. I bet Pixar was overwhelmed with relief when they started reading, but then she hit them with that last sentence like:

Lol, it’s giving me shitty wanna be Pet Shop Boys’ West End Girl vibe. Please tell me no one takes this seriously.

I havn’t made it past season 4, but it has yet to make laugh as much as it did in season 2.

I never thought she was lying, but I found myself wondering if we would be privy to all this information if Hilary had won and if she remained as DNC Chair.

I’m not taking anything you’ve said as a judgment towards Brotherhood’s quality since you’ve never watched it; just giving you the pros and cons since I have seen both (never read the manga). There are differences, but there are also many many similarities. My point is if you like FMA, nostalgia and all, there is no

There are elements of original FMA that are better (Izumi\Teacher has more story, they show more the boys past\training).

In what vein? The ignorance or the casual racism towards black/african american slang that occurs regularly on this site.

I was ambivalent about Kimora when she was a judge on ANTM, but that show made me an instant fan.

Yes, as well as Murked, Bodied, etc etc.

Did you ever ask your husband?

If you want to watch the glorious shift in power dynamic happen in real time go and watch her old show.

So stop the faux pearl clutching. What you discuss as inherent feminism is 2nd wave and we’re on the third. Your post is dripping with grossest mysogyny and false equivalencies so stop pretending you think this a feminism issue. It’s obvious you think its about your dick and clearly you’ve filed yourself under

“Write a coherent movie with an actual story and don’t worry about needing an action beat every 20 minutes.”