
Very well said. It’s just refreshing to focus on small but important stakes, rather than world-threatening stuff.

I say this being a white person and knowing that the storylines involving black folk obviously have CONSIDERABLY higher stakes than “Which opera house wins”, of course!

I used to make mild fun of the folk who loved and religiously followed Downton Abbey.

If it’s Larian, the next season will take 5 years to make but will be totally worth the wait.

He was never really a GOOD banker though, right?

I think he’s just super lost without Adams and was desperate to get a marriage going. But also...he’s just not, like, good? At this? At everything really.

I’m super excited to see how things go for the next two eps. This has been a great season. Trying to convince my wife


Oh. Different thing it looks like. :(

Well yeah, who wants to laugh when instead we could see these guys be maudlin, disappointed, or sad? With at LEAST three different expressions in their repertoire to get those feelings across!

I mean if the devs truly wanted to min-max this shit they’d give Mercy every single skin, as her fanbase buys them rabidly.

Also, cornrows have multiple points of origins across many different cultures, with various races and ethnicities participating. They’re effectively neutral from a worldwide cultural standpoint -

See, I loved this ep, because it finally had some meaty stuff in it. What did you not like about it?

I read the novelization (it exists) of that series and his backstory is really very sad. Poor dude.

I’d actually be okay with Noel leaving BUT he’s such a great fit with Alison and I’d love at least one more season of them together.

They managed to make try-hard edgelord bullshit like The Boys be actually pretty dang good, for fuck’s sake.

That “moon” comment from Todd is one of the all time stupidest things I’ve ever had the displeasure of reading. Was he saying it sarcastically? Does he know how stupid he sounds?

I told my wife this is the first season in a long while I’m just going to skip, she can watch it if she wants.

That’s hard to answer, but I think between Spider-Man, Horizon, God of War, and a few’s PROBABLY worth the purchase at some point? A lot of the good older exclusives you can get from the upper PS+ tiers.

I’d also say Sony does a great job with the haptics on the DualSense, which is far and away the best

You’re gonna have a lot of egg on your face when the Russell manor is firebombed by anarchists

Just watched one clip of his that wasn’t this one, from the special, and it wasn’t funny at all. Hard pass.

I will miss it! But I’m also okay, s4 was a high note of the series after s1 (actually think it might be the best season, honestly) and it had a good ending. Hell, it was literally called End Times. Pretty perfect.

s3 was a tougher watch, just wasn’t that funny. Western parodies are as formulaic as most westerns,

I keep this in my back pocket any time I have friends who think Napoleon was truly just a good man swept up in the times.

Man, Capitalism is just insanely, insanely good at this. It’s truly a marvel.

I watched a few eps and just couldn’t get into it. There’s one very funny comedienne whose voice is...just not for me. Live action, she’s funny. Just for voicework, I can’t watch her scenes.

The rest of the characters just never grabbed me as well. The whole thing felt meh, but I’m glad it’s still on for those who do