
You know what, this type of write-up of their relationship confirms everything I’ve always believed about my white peers growing up in a white majority state of the US. I’ve always gotten statements that sum up I’m “hot for a brown girl” since men and women would only ever comment on specific attributes/body parts to

I meant specifically comments on this couple in the many previous articles on them echoed some of the article’s talking points. Didn’t really mean it in a general way although I do think Jez definitely skews white. 

Alia Bhatt came on to the scene a decade after Priyanka though. And while she is a good actress, she is in Bollywood due to nepotism. Priyanka is self-made. In an industry that thrives on nepotism. So yeah.

Yesss, I’ve been waiting for Prachi’s take on this. I’ve been disgusted with the amount of xenophobia and ignorance over the past few days.

Thank you! I couldn’t believe the comments on that article. 

It’s crazy to me how many racist, sexist, and ageist comments about this wedding I’ve read on this site for supposed liberal feminists. The comments like “how can they throw such an elaborate wedding in a country where millions are starving” (Yes only white people are allowed to be extravagant),  “Aren’t they

K Jezebel but don’t pretend like the gossip articles that were posted about this earlier weren’t full of the same snark, especially ignoring the normalcies of Indian weddings and comparing them to Western traditions (that veil snark tho!)

They are spending money on a mostly local economy. The wedding was in India, the caterers would have been local, the waiters would have been local, the florist local most likely. There would have been rented tents, etc, etc. A lot of those celebrities money just went into some very poor or at best very middle class

For the people saying that this wedding is too lavish or just too much, its kind of not for an Indian wedding. I spent a few months in India for work about 10 years ago. Of course, my coworkers in India were non-celebrity, every day Indian folks. There must have been a wedding almost every week, no joke. And these

It’s wasteful to you, so please do not plan your own wedding accordingly. If a couple wants to have an extravagant wedding and has the means to pay for it, I don’t see why how much they spent on it or how they celebrate it matters anyone beyond themselves.

Aww, I cared when they offed Tyreese. Admittedly, a lot of that came from how much I like and enjoy Chad Coleman the actor, but I also thought the episode itself was well done and, well, poignant, even if his character wasn’t the most fleshed out one on the show. 

Sexual people are always punished. Even, apparently, on SATC.

Now that Negan is out of his cell, he finally has room to lean again

Soylent Green’s The Walking Dead Stray Observations: Miserable and Mild Mid Season Finale Special Edition

Still waiting for the Biopic starring Tom Hanks and Robin Wright.

In lieu of the above, will you accept a Xander Harris Snoopy dance?

Just want to pop in to say that being a One Direction fan quite literally saved my life my freshman year of college.

He’ll outgrow it or I’ll disown him. I’m giving him until legal voting age to find out! 

Bitter AF. I’m a lifelong Georgia girl and I’m bummed. My little kids are bummed. My oldest is going through a gun-loving republican phase, so he’s happy, but he’s also 14 and dumb, so fuck his stupid opinions. 

Without a doubt. But the way she has handled this, acknowledging that this is a lost battle while still not recognizing the results as legitimate, is an amazing mix of political smarts and class. We have not seen the last of her.