
When men ask what microaggressions are, this is a good example, because it happens over and over and over. Grace Meng is right on the money. Let’s make this the new normal.

I’m a black attorney and when I used to go to court regularly, everyone assumed I was one of the defendants. I would be in a suit and have my files with me but would still get told I would be called up to the bench when it was time for the judge to hear my plea.

They always ask MBJ about that. It’s kinda gross.

Get over it. It’s none of our damn business anyway unless he makes it so.

It must suck to have to date in the public eye and have to have reasons for why your significant others look the way they do. 

Being a Navy SEAL doesn’t automatically make you an awesome person. Look at Zinke and Hunter Duncan.

I’d like to say “F—k you” to all the people who say voting is a waste of time.

They would have been much better off arresting every white guy walking around if through stereotypes is how were policing these days. 

Nearby a gaggle of white girls walked out of the mall with fifteen thousand dollars worth of stolen makeup.

This is so infuriating. I’m glad she’s getting help to fund some of these necessities for safety and livelihood, but it really pisses me off that any of it is necessary.

One of the few times in my life I will say this: I’m glad I live in I could vote for this.

She feckin’ DID it!

What is this feeling? It’s kinda glimmering. And warm. And uplifting.

This is all kinds of awesome.  I don’t have a lot of high hopes... but I am happy these wins in particular are being made. 

YEEES!!!! Congrats Congresswoman Pressley and the voters of MA!

Barbara Comstock lost so that’s something!

Unlike two years ago, I’m not freaking out (thank you, xanax!) In fact, I’m giggling at this...

My friend’s water broke this morning but she stopped to vote on the way to the hospital. Her daughter is going to be fierce as fuck!