
Some other choice quotes from the video (which is honestly worth watching in its entirety). Apologies in advance for any typos:

As far as I can tell, the privileged have one thing they fear and that is being held accountable for their morals and actions(forcibly even). Hell even if they’re not the type to think of them. It is why I hypothesize many “lost-causes” seek high positions/power to decrease that probability.

Same here, I’m about halfway through and it’s emotionally exhausting; I’ll have to finish later. Agreed on the article being excellent!

Third. I really wish this was published on a Friday afternoon. Long Form articles are excellent weekend reading.

Fan-Fucking-Tastic article, Cecilia. Serious props for the investigative journalism on display here!

I really feel like this is one of those Kotaku-defining articles, along with the deep stuff that Jason puts out.

Agreed. I’ve read about half now and will have to read the rest later, but this is fantastic reporting.

Or to acknowledge that things you enjoy should change to be more inclusive to people who aren’t exactly like you.

Since it invariably is going to come up, I don’t understand how people can scream “this is a witchhunt” or “people are too sensitive” or “this is SJW nonsense”

Since it invariably is going to come up, I don’t understand how people can scream “this is a witchhunt” or “people are too sensitive” or “this is SJW nonsense” when time and again big gaming/tech companies have proven to be navel gazing, bro-clubs who alienate anyone who isn’t a straight white male.

It’s not

that’s some fancy ass popcorn

Thank you for this very thorough and detailed reporting. This seems the result of several different toxic cultures (Business, Gamer, Start-Up, etc.) all intersecting and building on one another. Very disappointing...

Oh it will be, I use olive oil cumin and garlic salt in my popcorn

Pops popcorn in anticipation of reading Kotaku commenters’ (aka kinja’s worst and most toxic commentariat) knee-jerk responses.

Can’t read it all now but reading the first third and skimming the rest, this is an excellent feature, Cecilia. It blows my mind that many people are going to read this and think it just exists to push some kind of agenda.

I was in high school and college in the 90s and goddammit I am not doing this again!

My eyebrows are perfectly shaped forehead forests. Always were, always will be. My grandmother, a 1930s Hollywood chorus girl (true) told me when I was a little girl that I had perfect eyebrows and though it was acceptable to clean up and shape them, I must never, never (never!) overpluck or shave them. (True. I was

Oh man does this hit home. My wife is the friend that invites the other friend without consideration. She invites me to EVERY friend hangout: going to dinner, WANNA GO?! Going to watch GOT and do laundry with your friend knowing I do not care for GOT, WANNA GO?! Oh I’m just going to invite half my friends to my dads

Ha, yes. I was recently planning a weekend trip with two friends who both have kids. They both said they wouldn’t bring their husbands, and I was like, “Ummmm, yes bring them. We’ll need them to watch your kids while we go drink bottles of wine on the balcony.” 

A variation of this goes for babies and kids. If you can’t get a sitter for them, that’s fine, just let me know in advance. But it is really difficult being the non-parent friend and try to maintain that friendship, when I expect to have a conversation with someone who is distracted the whole time, or we need to pick