
Shit yeah, man. Mine’s currently this :

Terry Crews is such a fucking treasure. I would say that it's appalling that men as old as 50 Cent and Russell Simmons are still acting like 12 year old boys in P.E. but it's not appalling at all. What sad pieces of shit they must be. 

Yes, they even held a protest in London. 

this is amazing. people need to see this. far and wide.

seriously though, how is this still up...?

I didn’t wear shorts for so many years because I was ridiculously self conscious and thought my legs were hideous. And I refused to wear them all while living in south Texas, where it’s hot and humid as fuck. A few years ago I said to hell with it, and started wearing shorts because I could no longer deal with the

His character in Scream Queens is what makes that show

Yeah, but, one has only to look at how Heechul from Shinee has had to deal with gay rumors to see that nothing’s changed and that the fan-service of cute boys and “skinship” is only fan-service and not indicative of anything else.

Another great opportunity to do absolutely nothing about guns in our country, that way when a punk band makes a joke about mass shootings, we can all get furious at THEM for making light of tragedy instead of doing anything to prevent it ourselves.

PSA: as this article points out, it’s important to use clear language when describing neo-Nazi fuckery. Neo-Nazis went to Charlottesville to start a riot. They are going to try to start a riot in Lafayette Park. They always do this shit, and then lie about it. Why? Two reasons: 1) by starting a riot, they can

This smells bad. All of it does. Of course this briar motherfucker committed a hate crime, but everyone else is guilty of it, too. Maxine is right. Fight them with confrontation. I’ve been a bitch before when dealing with these people- I’ve been shy and bashful, not wanting to disturb my work relationships. If they’re

Fuck that, we NEED the dems to get primaried by socialists. No more half measures. 

Friendly reminder: not only do we need to vote out the GOP motherfuckers, we need the Dems to fear getting primaried by socialists. Bill Clinton sent the Dems into the weeds of bootlicking plutocrats for a generation by triangulating for moderate centrists; we take the party, and our country’s, soul back by

This is the kind of young woman girls need to look up to. And Auntie Maxine, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren (and all the other badass progressive women -  forgive me, I’m excited and tired)in congress waiting for her. So many women are rising up and speaking up in spite of all the bullshit out here and all the

this is badass.

fight back.
take it back.

don’t let the fascists have a cakewalk....

Borrowing this from another thread because it’s just so appropriate:

I took an 18th century American history class in college. The prof began the first lecture by making us all stand up and then saying, “Repeat after me: The Civil War was about slavery.”

I think we need to start celebrating VC (victory over the confederacy) day on May 9th every year. The Confederacy was a greater threat to our country than any adversary except maybe Great Britain. More Americans died in that war than any other. And yet, despite the fact that we won, we refuse to celebrate the victory.

I’m sure just being civil with these people will get them to see the error of their ways, start trusting in factual information, and stop being racist pieces of shit.

Folks need to get with their history. There’s a long, proud tradition of the public directly confronting their rulers when those rulers are fuckups. Ask George III how his gilded carriage (in which he was a passenger) fared against anti-war protesters. Ask George IV whether the public respected the dignity of his