Also good on Stack for giving the students their due. They are making things happen while facing the most disgusting backlash. His supportive statement is a big deal.
Also good on Stack for giving the students their due. They are making things happen while facing the most disgusting backlash. His supportive statement is a big deal.
I don’t own firearms or hunt, but I do enjoy fishing. I also have two children who are coming into the age of needing piles upon piles of soccer, tee ball, basketball equipment, sneakers etc. Dick’s is going to get all of that business going forward.
When I first saw the headline, I thought it was just another hollow corporate move, but then read the full statement and was truly taken aback. I’m very impressed that they not only accepted their role in this situation, but called on congress to do the very easy and right thing.
That is the strongest statement that I have EVER seen a business put out, especially considering they are a sporting goods store which ties directly into the outdoors culture. This made me tear up. I’m sure they’ve run the numbers and realized just how devastating this statement could be, but they did it anyway. What…
So, so good at social media. Has anyone checked on Rubio after that burn? I haven’t seen him since. Someone find him and make sure his face hasn’t melted off.
Hey, check the spelling of his name in the body of the article. :)
I remember watching a show where a woman against LGBTQ couples adopting met two people who aged out the foster system. She asked them what they thought about being adopted by a LGBTQ couple. Both of them basically said they would have had no problem with it. They wanted to be adopted. It blow her mind to hear them say…
You’re not wrong. I’m aware of two shoots already working on moving.
I’ll post this again, but now for the last time. RIP Carl Poppa.
I will never get tired of Coral memes.
Not to mention carry/storage obligations. If you want guns safely stored in classrooms, you need at minimum some kind of gun safe—a locked desk drawer won’t cut it. Ideally a trigger lock as well, but now you’re really cutting down on how quickly teachers can react in an emergency. That’s a lot of extra cost for each…
Again... with the arming teachers (and expecting them to shoot like Delta Force or even the local SWAT team is asinine.) Delta spends many hours a year honing their shooting skills. Can’t expect Teachers to do the same.
An agenda that LGBTQ exist and deserve to be treated with respect and humanity?
“We’re not asking for banning because I know that would just sink our ship,”
Skeeter I can take or leave... but where’s my dude Rowlf?!
You’re all worried about Skeeter and I’m over here wondering where Rolf is.