6.5 years doesn’t seem long enough for this shit if you ask me.
6.5 years doesn’t seem long enough for this shit if you ask me.
I’ve had it. I mean HAD it. The next “conservative”, family values, party of morals whatever person utters any of those words I am punching them and I don’t even care. I’ve never seen such a bunch of fucking hypocrites in my life.
I thought about reinventing myself and then spending the entire rest of my life acting out the charade I have always wanted to become. Then I remembered I’m tired and just didn’t have it in me. So, I took a nap instead.
I’m having a hard time finishing this game (last time I’ve played I was at the Halloween part) not because of the mental illness subject, but because I struggle choosing who to spend time with between Bea or Gregg. They both seem lonely even if their way of showing is different. If I choose someone over the other one,…
They were why I clicked the post. Seeing them walking in slow-motion in the header clip gave me chills.
The three slashers look like they walked right out of the movies...I wish I could imitate even a fraction of that come Halloween. Especially Jason and Michael.
Am I bad man for finding Tiny Li’l Cyborg hilarious?
And what about that servant who Cersei let see Jamie in her bed? I feel like they focused on her enough to let you know that she’d be significant, maybe it’s Arya wearing a face???
It’s one of the reasons this show is so good. You can’t easily predict what’s going to happen. I think that’s so different from most movies and tv shows and why many of us enjoy talking about it.
That would be so disappointing to me! I just want Sansa to do something for herself and not be saved for a change. She has so much potential.
“A sham marriage. Unconsummated.”
And the timing of that confession was perfection! “Is this going to hurt? No? Ok, btw it was totally me who killed your son.” I’m actually surprised Jaime didn’t pull out his sword right then (character growth?).
I’m not the only one who thinks Davos is kinda hot right?
Ha! I just couldn’t help but think, Ice and Fire already met and had a baby named Pouty McPouterson.
But Tyrion still killed Tywin.
I’m trying to figure out if the lack of chemistry was intentional or just the byproduct of bad acting/no chemistry between the actors?
While I’m sad to lose The Queen of Thorns, Lady Olenna, her death scene was epic. It now sets the tone for Jaime being Valenqor because I think he will be in a position to have to choose between Cersei and Tyrion once again. When Jaime let Tyrion go the first time, he believed Tyrion was innocent of killing Joffrey,…
Best death in all GoT deaths? I think so. RIP, Queen of Thorns.