I want to like... send this woman flowers or something. I don’t know what else to do with all the love this makes me feel for her, all on top of her consistently voting no on this repeal and replace nonsense.
I want to like... send this woman flowers or something. I don’t know what else to do with all the love this makes me feel for her, all on top of her consistently voting no on this repeal and replace nonsense.
I don’t have arms!
You’d think our leaders could at least offer our children a modest proposal.
Yeah I think the problem isn’t not caring about children, it’s caring too much about your own children and not at all about anyone else’s.
John Mulaney has a bit in one of his standup specials where he says that he grew up before children were special, and I know what he means. I was often allowed to just sort of do as I pleased, and those days are over. However, I think we now live in a time in which only one’s own children have any value. Other…
Ack, I didn’t even consider that the fiscal year is ending so soon!! After looking more into it, I haven’t found any notation that specifically limits one budget recon bill per topic per FISCAL year - only one per topic per YEAR, so that seems to indicate that Obamacare is safe through 2017. Again, this is only what…
Are you kidding?? This is huge! 3 is huge. And it’s a victory worth celebrating. That’s how incremental progress works, kid.... there are no magic bullets.
Killer update on Murkowski being threatened by Zinke, though: he forgot she was his boss, didn’t think things through, and she’s now blocking his appointment hearings and appropriations. Oopsie! Checkmate.
I really applaud Collins and Murkowski and their gang of 2 who had the spine and ovaries to put America above party.
I’ve never commented before on Kinja, but I wanted to make a point that had the procedural motion to move forward on debate failed, McConnell and co. could’ve gone back to the drawing board and come back with a bill and tried to pass it as a budget reconciliation bill with only 51 votes. However, budget reconciliation…
Basically Districts 2-13 from Hunger Games then.
But this public outcry is going to force them to treat this with the extreme sensitivity it deserves. TMITHC and The Handmaids Tale were existing stories, their quality and nuance was pre-tested. If this show ends up working, it will be in part because lots of people told HBO exactly what the big potential problems…
+$12 afternoon matinee
The second I lay eyes on it I thought, “Big mistake. Big. Huge”.
Her grace, intellect, and beauty make this unending travesty of a current administration all the more painful.
She’s this country’s real life version of Wonder Woman.