
Trigger warning for you in the post I just made a click above (in terms of a photo I just posted of I guess the goodness luck Asian cat charm shrine)!!

So the above AHS image doesn’t actually bother me, but stuff like this photo does. Hard to explain, but something about the size variation of the eyes + the pattern of the hole clustering triggers my skin to crawl all over my body, which I hate because I can’t control the feeling outside of not looking. I had an awful

If we didn’t already have Toy Story confirmed (aka be mini size running around the real world), I would say let’s get the Rescue Rangers in here. Would be funny to show what Chip and Dale are up to when they aren’t running the Gummi ship shop. (And because I FLIPPIN LOVED RR when I was a kid). But oh well. Perhaps I

MINI RANT: I HATE BUYING SHORTS. I like the process more than buying full-on pants to infinity and beyond, but buying bottoms in general is a hassle. I’m tall (5'10") and have curves, so I’m super aware of just how short shorts end up being on me by being mostly legs AND if they cause chaffing because of how they

Why not both? Why. Not. Both.

Do you get Hulu in Canada? The second season has been simulcasting as both dub and sub.

I feel the same way that you do, except I won’t even play it. As much as I don’t mind Rihanna, I’m so unimpressed by the lyrics (in some cases, I find them cringe/please stay away from me worthy) that I’m giving DJ Khaled a hard side eye. I’ll just go listen to “Maria Maria” if I want this beat + guitar combo.

This is me now, searching for new jobs because the degrees of my boss’s narcissism have taken new desperate heights since a recent company structure change. I dealt with it in the past because of the other perks to my job. But she has become a new wave of insufferable, and I’ve recognized I sincerely wish negativity

I’m like your Mom—I was into Coach during the early 2000s when the quality of their products was better and their bags a bit cheaper before sales. I don’t know when the change shifted for me (maybe late 2000s), but I shifted over to being a KS person when I feel the need for something new. I may have to find a new

I think that with KS stuff, unless you don’t want to risk something selling out, you probably don’t ever have to pay full price if you’re willing to wait through a season until items end up in the sale section. Or there’s a special promotion in place. That’s my strategy most of the time. If you’re really okay with the

You and I are on the same page. I was originally a Coach buyer maybe a decade ago when their price points were a bit lower and they were more likely to send their overstock of boutique bags to the outlets. My god, I was an outlet bargain hunter in ways that weren’t fiscally responsible to my budget. But then I got a

I feel like people have noted that he’s a nice guy in real life, though he’s also a special sort of “weird”/“different” that isn’t everyone’s cup of tea (in terms of his laid back-ness, his manner of speaking). He’s on my “if I can meet you in real life over a drink and life chattin, YES PLEASE” list.

He’s on that show? DAMNIT. Fine, world, I’ll make some time to watch it. [I have colleagues who’ve been telling me to watch, but there’s only so many hours post-work and so much to watch so I keep putting it low on my list over other things. I might bump it up with promised Goldblum cameo(s)].

Now playing

K-Pop. I’ve been a fan of J-Pop since I was a teenager, but didn’t fall into K-Pop until earlier this year when I fell down a Korean drama hole on Hulu and Netflix (Boys Over Flowers anyone? WHAT.) I was exposed to one group in particulary via some YouTube reaction videos and I. Have. Not. Looked. BACK. BTS. Yall. I

The unpredictability of the security line is so anxiety-inducing!! I’m doing an American coast-to-coast flight in a few weeks, thankfully by myself. And I’ll be taking my first red eye ever because I’m flying home over Easter weekend, which aligns with several spring breaks, so I anticipate a higher volume of college

See, I can do this when I fly by myself. Maybe with my boyfriend if I can kick his ass out of the door in advance. But if I have to travel in larger packs, pssht, that doesn’t happen. Despite my time-sensitivity to get to the airport in order to buffer traffic delays, security lines, bathroom lines, and *enjoy* a

I’m similar to you—I get into a weird hoarder mentality when I fly and will make sure I buy water/a soda + some easy-to-eat snacks in the airport before I board my flight, *just* in case. And if I’m traveling alone, I’ll also get a (probably overpriced) meal while in the airport to make sure I’ve got a baseline of

Love your comment. I’m not surprised by what this story raises, but I’m also distanced from it via age and such that my only knowledge of Bandstand comes from references to it/its concept in stuff like the Grease film adaptation. I’m more aware of the racial ramifications of the period since my black parents were kids

Alabama representing this thought as well!

Nah, he’s apparently covering that in the upcoming season of American Horror Story.